Microservice Observability, Part 2: Evolutionary Patterns for Solving Observability Problems

In part one of this series, I described the difference between monitoring and observability and why the latter starts to become more important when dealing with microservices. Next, we’ll discuss some strategies and patterns for implementing better observability. Specifically, we’ll look at the idea of an observability pipeline and how we can start to iteratively improve observability in our systems.

To recap, observability can be described simply as the ability to ask questions of your systems without knowing those questions in advance. This requires capturing a variety of signals such as logs, metrics, and traces as well as tools for interpreting those signals like log analysis, SIEM, data warehouses, and time-series databases. A number of challenges surface as a result of this. Clint Sharp does a great job discussing the key problems, which I’ll summarize below along with some of my own observations.

Problem 1: Agent Fatigue

A typical microservice-based system requires a lot of different operational tooling—log and metric collectors, uptime monitoring, analytics aggregators, security scanners, APM runtime instrumentation, and so on. Most of these involve agents that run on every node in the cluster (or, in some cases, every pod in Kubernetes). Since vendors optimize for day-one experience and differentiating capabilities, they are incentivized to provide agents unique to their products rather than attempting to unify or standardize on tooling. This causes problems for ops teams who are concerned with the day-two costs of running and managing all of these different agents. Resource consumption alone can be significant, especially if you add in a service mesh like Istio into the mix. Additionally, since each agent is unique, the way they are configured and managed is different. Finally, from a security perspective, every agent added to a system introduces additional attack surface to hosts in the cluster. Each agent brings not just the vendor’s code into production but also all of its dependencies.

Problem 2: Capacity Anxiety

With the elastic microservice architectures I described in part one, capacity planning for things like logs and metrics starts to become a challenge. This point is particularly salient if, for example, you’ve ever been responsible for managing Splunk licensing. With microservices, a new deployment can now cause a spike in log volumes forcing back pressure on your log ingestion across all of your services. I’ve seen Splunk ingestion get backed up for days’ worth of logs, making it nearly impossible to debug production issues when logs are needed most. I’ve seen Datadog metric ingestion grind to a halt after someone added a high-cardinality dimension to classify a metric by user. And I’ve seen security teams turn on cloud audit log exporting to their SIEM only to get flooded with low-level minutiae and noise. Most tools prioritize gross data ingestion over fine-grained control like sampling, filtering, deduplicating, and aggregating. Using collectors such as Fluentd can help with this problem but add to the first problem. Elastic microservice architectures tend to require more control over data ingestion to avoid capacity issues.

Problem 3: Foresight Required

Unlike monitoring, observability is about asking questions that we hadn’t planned to ask in advance, but we can’t ask those questions if the necessary data was never collected in the first place! The capacity problem described above might cause us to under-instrument our systems, especially when the value of logs is effectively zero—until it’s not. Between monitoring, debugging, security forensics, and other activities, effective operations requires a lot of foresight. Unfortunately, this foresight tends to come from hindsight, which might be too late depending on the situation. Most dashboards are operational scar tissue, after all. Adding or reconfiguring instrumentation after the fact can have significant lag time, which can be the difference between prolonged downtime or a speedy remediation. Elastic microservice architectures benefit greatly from the ability to selectively and dynamically dial up the granularity of operational data when it’s needed and dial it back down when it’s not.

Problem 4: Tooling and Data Accessibility

Because of the problems discussed earlier, it’s not uncommon for organizations to settle on a limited set of operations tools like logging and analytics systems. This can pose its own set of challenges, however, as valuable operational data becomes locked up within certain systems in production environments. Vendor lock-in and high switching costs can make it difficult to use the right tool for the job.

There’s a wide range of data sources that provide high-value signals such as VMs, containers, load balancers, service meshes, audit logs, VPC flow logs, and firewall logs. And there’s a wide range of sinks and downstream consumers that can benefit from these different signals. The problem is that tool and data needs vary from team to team. Different tools or products are needed for different data and different use cases. The data that operations teams care about is different from the data that business analysts, security, or product managers care about. But if the data is siloed based on form or function or the right tools aren’t available, it becomes harder for these different groups to be effective. There’s an ever-changing landscape of tools, products, and services—particularly in the operations space—so the question is: how big of a lift is it for your organization to add or change tools? How easy is it to experiment with new ones? In addition to the data siloing, the “agent fatigue” problem described above can make this challenging when re-rolling host agents at scale.

Solution: The Observability Pipeline

Solving these problems requires a solution that offers the following characteristics:

  1. Allows capturing arbitrarily wide events
  2. Consolidates data collection and instrumentation
  3. Decouples data sources from data sinks
  4. Supports input-to-output schema normalization
  5. Provides a mechanism to encode routing, filtering, and transformation logic

When we implement these different concepts, we get an observability pipeline—a way to unify the collection of operational data, shape it, enrich it, eliminate noise, and route it to any tool in the organization that can benefit from it. With input-to-output schema normalization, we can perform schema-agnostic processing to enrich, filter, aggregate, sample, or drop fields from any shape and adapt data for different destinations. This helps to support a wider range of data collectors and agents. And by decoupling sources and sinks, we can easily introduce or change tools and reroute data without impacting production systems.

We’re starting to see the commercialization of this idea with products like Cribl, but there are ways to solve some of these problems yourself, incrementally, and without the use of commercial software. The remainder of this post will discuss patterns and strategies for building your own observability pipeline. While the details here will be fairly high level, part three of this series will share some implementation details and tactics through examples.

Pattern 1: Structured Data

A key part of improving system observability is being more purposeful in how we structure our data. Specifically, structured logging is critical to supporting production systems and aiding debuggability. The last thing you want to be doing when debugging a production issue is frantically grepping log files trying to pull out needles from a haystack. In the past, logs were primarily consumed by human operators. Today, they are primarily consumed by tools. That requires some adjustments at design time. For example, if we were designing a login system, historically, we might have a logging statement that resembles the following:

log.error(“User '{}' login failed”.format(user))

This would result in a log message like:

ERROR 2019-12-30 09:28.31 User ‘tylertreat' login failed

When debugging login problems, we’d probably use a combination of grep and regular expressions to track down the users experiencing issues. This might be okay for the time being, but as we introduce additional metadata, it becomes more and more kludgy. It also means our logs are extremely fragile. People begin to rely on the format of logs in ways that might even be unknown to the developers responsible for them. Unstructured logs become an implicit, undocumented API.

With structured logs, we make that contract more explicit. Our logging statement might change to something more like:

log.error(“User login failed”,

The actual format we use isn’t hugely important. I typically recommend JSON because it’s ubiquitous and easy to write and parse. With JSON, our log looks something like the following:

“timestamp”: “2019-12-30 09:28.31”,
“level”: “ERROR”,
“event”: “user_login_error”,
“user”: “tylertreat”,
“email”: “tyler.treat@realkinetic.com”,
“error”: “Invalid username or password”,
“message”: “User login failed”

With this, we can parse the structure, index it, query it, even transform or redact it, and we can add new pieces of metadata without breaking consumers. Our logs start to look more like events. Remember, observability is about being able to ask arbitrary questions of our systems. Events are like logs with context, and shifting towards this model helps with being able to ask questions of our systems.

Pattern 2: Request Context and Tracing

With elastic microservice architectures, correlating events and metadata between services becomes essential. Distributed tracing is one component of this. Another is tying our structured logs together and passing shared context between services as a request traverses the system. A pattern that I recommend to teams adopting microservices is to pass a context object to everything. This is actually a pattern that originated in Go for passing request-scoped values, cancelation signals, and deadlines across API boundaries. It turns out, this is also a useful pattern for observability when extended to service boundaries. While it’s contentious to explicitly pass context objects due to the obtrusiveness to APIs, I find it better than relying on implicit, request-local storage.

In its most basic form, a context object is simply a key-value bag that lets us track metadata as a request passes through a service and is persisted through the entire execution path. OpenTracing refers to this as baggage. You can include this context as part of your structured logs. Some suggest having a single event/structured-log-with-context emitted per hop, but I think this is more aspirational. For most, it’s probably easier to get started by adding a context object to your existing logging. Our login system’s logging from above would look something like this:

def login(ctx, username, email, password):
ctx.set(user=username, email=email)
log.error(“User login failed”,

This adds rich metadata to our logs—great for debugging—as they start evolving towards events. The context is also a convenient way to propagate tracing information, such as a span ID, between services.

“timestamp”: “2019-12-30 09:28.31”,
“level”: “ERROR”,
“event”: “user_login_error”,
“context”: {
“id”: “accfbb8315c44a52ad893ca6772e1caf”,
“http_method”: “POST”,
“http_path”: “/login”,
“user”: “tylertreat”,
“email”: “tyler.treat@realkinetic.com”,
“span_id”: “34fe6cbf9556424092fb230eab6f4ea6”,
“error”: “Invalid username or password”,
“message”: “User login failed”

You might be wondering what to put on the context versus just putting on our structured logs. It’s a good question and, like most things, the answer is “it depends.” A good rule of thumb is what can you get for “free” and what do you need to pass along? These should typically be things specific to a particular request. For instance, CPU utilization and memory usage can be pulled from the environment, but a user or correlation ID are request-specific and must be propagated. This decision starts to become more obvious the deeper your microservice architectures get. Just be careful not to leak sensitive data into your logs! While we can introduce tooling into our observability pipeline to help with this risk, I believe code reviews are the best line of defense here.

Pattern 3: Data Schema

With our structured data and context, we can take it a step further and introduce schemas for each data type we collect, such as logs, metrics, and traces. Schemas provide a standard shape to the data and allow consumers to rely on certain fields and types. They might validate data types and enforce required fields like a user ID, license, or trace ID. These schemas basically take the explicit contract described above and codify it into a specification. This is definitely the most organization-dependent pattern, so it’s hard to provide specific advice. The key thing is having structured data that can be easily evolved and relied on for debugging or exploratory purposes.

These schemas also need libraries which implement the specifications and make it easy for developers to actually instrument their systems. There is a plethora of existing libraries available for structured logging. For tracing and metrics, OpenTelemetry has emerged as a vendor-neutral API and forthcoming data specification.

Pattern 4: Data Collector

So far, we’ve talked mostly about development practices that improve observability. While they don’t directly address the problems described above, later, we’ll see how they also help support other parts of the observability pipeline. Now we’re going to look at some actual infrastructure patterns for building out a pipeline.

Recall that two of the characteristics we desire in our observability solution are the ability to consolidate data collection and instrumentation and decouple data sources from data sinks. One of the ways we can reduce agent fatigue is by using a data collector to unify the collection of key pieces of observability data—namely logs (or events), metrics, and traces. This component collects the data, optionally performs some transformations or filtering on it, and writes it to a data pipeline. This commonly runs as an agent on the host. In Kubernetes, this might be a DaemonSet with an instance running on each node. From the application or container side, data is written to stdout/stderr or a Unix domain socket which the collector reads. From here, the data gets written to the pipeline, which we’ll look at next.

Moving data collection out of process can be important if your application emits a significant amount of logs or you’re doing anything at a large enough scale. I’ve seen cases where applications were spending more time writing logs than performing actual business logic. Writing logs to disk can easily take down a database or other I/O-intensive workload just by sharing a filesystem with its logging. Rather than sacrificing observability by reducing the volume and granularity of logs, offload it and move it out of the critical execution path. Logging can absolutely affect the performance and reliability of your application.

For this piece, I generally recommend using either Fluentd or Logstash along with the Beats ecosystem. I usually avoid putting too much logic into the data collector due to the way it runs distributed and at scale. If you put a lot of processing logic here, it can become difficult to manage and evolve. I find it works better to have the collector act as a dumb pipe for getting data into the system where it can be processed offline.

Pattern 5: Data Pipeline

Now that we have an agent running on each host collecting our structured data, we need a scalable, fault-tolerant data stream to handle it all. Even at modestly sized organizations, I’ve seen upwards of about 1TB of logs indexed daily with elastic microservice architectures. This volume can be much greater for larger organizations, and it can burst dramatically with the introduction of new services. As a result, decoupling sources and sinks becomes important for reducing capacity anxiety. This data pipeline is often something that can be partitioned for horizontal scalability. In doing this, we might just end up shifting the capacity anxiety from one system to another, but depending on the solution, this can be an easier problem to solve or might not be a problem at all if using a managed cloud service. Finally, a key reason for decoupling is that it also allows us to introduce or change sinks without impacting our production cluster. A benefit of this is that we can also evaluate and compare tools side-by-side. This helps reduce switching costs.

There are quite a few available solutions for this component, both open source and managed. On the open source side, examples include Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, and Liftbridge. On the cloud-managed services side, Amazon Kinesis, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Azure Event Hubs come to mind. I tend to prefer managed solutions since they allow me to focus on things that directly deliver business value rather than surrounding operational concerns.

Note that there are some important nuances depending on the pipeline implementation you use or which might determine the implementation you choose. For example, questions like how long do you need to retain observability data, do you need the ability to replay data streams, and do you need strict, in-order delivery of messages? Replaying operational data can be useful for retraining ML models or testing monitoring changes, for instance. For systems that are explicitly sharded, there’s also the question of how to partition the data. Random partitioning is usually easiest from a scaling and operations perspective, but it largely depends on how you intend to consume it.

Pattern 6: Data Router

The last pattern and component of our observability pipeline is the data router. With our operational data being written to a pipeline such as Kafka, we need something that can consume it, perform processing, and write it to various backend systems. This is also a great place to perform dynamic sampling, filtering, deduplication, aggregation, or data enrichment. The schema mentioned earlier becomes important here since the shape of the data determines how it gets handled. If you’re dealing with data from multiple sources, you’ll likely need to normalize to some common schema, either at ingestion time or processing time, in order to execute shared logic and perform schema-agnostic processing. Data may also need to be reshaped before writing to destination systems.

This piece can be as sophisticated or naive as you’d like, depending on your needs or your organization’s observability and operations maturity. A simple example is merely looking at the record type and sending logs to Splunk and Amazon Glacier cold storage, sending traces to Stackdriver, sending metrics to Datadog, and sending high-cardinality events to Honeycomb. More advanced use cases might involve dynamic sampling to dial up or down the granularity on demand, dropping values to reduce storage consumption or eliminate noise, masking values to implement data loss prevention, or joining data sources to create richer analytics.

Ultimately, this is a glue component that’s reading data in, parsing the shape of it, and writing it out to assorted APIs or other topics/streams for further downstream processing. Depending on the statefulness of your router logic, this can be a good fit for serverless solutions like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Run, Azure Functions, or OpenFaaS. If using Kafka, Kafka Streams might be a good fit.

The Journey to Better Observability

Observability with elastic microservice architectures introduces some unique challenges like agent fatigue, capacity anxiety, required foresight, and tooling and data accessibility. Solving these problems requires a solution that can capture arbitrarily wide events, consolidate data collection and instrumentation, decouple data sources and sinks, support input-to-output schema normalization, and encode routing, filtering, and transformation logic. When we implement this, we get an observability pipeline, which is really just a fancy name for a collection of observability patterns and best practices.

An observability pipeline should be an evolutionary or iterative process. You shouldn’t waste time building out a sophisticated pipeline early on; you should be focused on delivering value to your customers. Instead, start small with items that add immediate value to the observability of your systems.

Something you can begin doing today that adds a ton of value with minimal lift is structured logging. Another high-leverage pattern is passing a context object throughout your service calls to propagate request metadata which can be logged and correlated. Use distributed tracing to understand and identify issues with performance. Next, move log collection out of process using Fluentd or Logstash. If you’re not already, use a centralized logging system—Splunk, Elasticsearch, Sumo Logic, Graylog—there are a bunch of options here, both open source and commercial, SaaS or self-managed. With the out-of-process collector, you can then introduce a data pipeline to decouple log producers from consumers. Again, there are managed options like Amazon Kinesis or Google Cloud Pub/Sub and self-managed ones like Apache Kafka. With this, you can now add, change, or compare consumers and log sinks without impacting production systems. Evaluate a product like Honeycomb for storing high-cardinality events. At this point, you can start to unify the collection of other instrumentation such as metrics and traces and evolve your logs towards context-rich events.

Each of these things will incrementally improve the observability of your systems and can largely be done in a stepwise fashion. Whether you’re just beginning your transition to microservices or have fully adopted them, the journey to better observability doesn’t have to require a herculean effort. Rather, it’s done one step at a time.

In part three of this series, I’ll demonstrate a few implementation details through examples to show some of these observability patterns in practice.

The Observability Pipeline

The rise of cloud and containers has led to systems that are much more distributed and dynamic in nature. Highly elastic microservice and serverless architectures mean containers spin up on demand and scale to zero when that demand goes away. In this world, servers are very much cattle, not pets. This shift has exposed deficiencies in some of the tools and practices we used in the world of servers-as-pets. It has also led to new tools and services created to help us support our systems.

Many of the clients we work with at Real Kinetic are trying to navigate their way through this transformation and struggle to figure out where to begin with these solutions. Beau Lyddon, one of our partners, recently gave a talk on exactly this called What is Happening: Attempting to Understand Our Systems (as an aside, Honeycomb’s Charity Majors live-blogged the talk which is worth a read). In this post, I’m going to attempt to summarize some of the key ideas from Beau’s talk and introduce the concept of an observability pipeline, which we think is an essential component in today’s cloud-native, product-oriented world.

Observability Explosion

With traditional static deployments and monolithic architectures, monitoring is not too challenging (that’s not to say it’s easy, but, in relative terms, it’s uncomplicated). This is where tools like Nagios became very popular. When we have only a handful of servers and/or a single, monolithic application, it’s relatively straightforward to determine the health of the system and to correlate system behavior to actual customer or business impact. It’s also feasible to “see inside the box” and get meaningful code-level instrumentation. Once again, tools like AppDynamics and Dynatrace became popular here.

With cloud-native and container-based systems, instances tend to be highly elastic and ephemeral, and what used to comprise a single, monolithic application might now consist of dozens of different microservices and even different instances running different versions of the same service. Simply put, systems are more distributed, more dynamic, and more complex now than ever before—and users have even more expectations. This means many of the tools that were well-suited before might not be adequate now.

For example, the ability to “see inside the box” with intra-process, code-level tracing becomes largely impractical in a highly dynamic cloud environment. By the time you are debugging an issue, the container is gone. This is only exacerbated by the serverless or functions as a service (FaaS) movement. Similarly, it’s much more difficult to correlate the behavior of a single service to the user’s experience since partial failure becomes more of an everyday thing. Thus, many of these tools end up being better suited to static infrastructures where there is a small set of long-lived VMs with a limited number of services. That’s where most of them originated from anyway. Instead, service-level distributed tracing becomes a key part of microservice observability, as does structured logging. With this shift in how we build systems, there has been an explosion in new terms, new tools, and new services.

Of course, in addition to tools, there are also the cultural aspects of monitoring and incident response. Many companies traditionally rely on an operations team to monitor, triage, and—in some cases—even resolve issues. This model quickly becomes untenable as the number of services increases. A single operations team will not be able to maintain enough context for a non-trivial amount of services and systems to do this effectively. This model also leads to ineffective feedback loops if engineers are not on-call and responsible for the operation of their services—something I’ve talked about ad nauseum. My advice is to push ownership of systems onto the teams who built them. This includes on-call duty and general operational responsibilities. However, in order for development teams to take on this responsibility, they need to be empowered to act on it. With this model, which I’ve come to facetiously call NewOps, the operations team becomes responsible for providing the tools and data teams need to adequately operate their services. Some organizations take this even further with dedicated observability teams.

Observability” is a term that has emerged recently within the industry as a more nuanced take on traditional monitoring. While monitoring tends to focus more on the overall health of systems and business metrics, observability aims to provide more granular insights into the behavior of systems along with rich context useful for debugging and business purposes. Put another way, monitoring is about known-unknowns and actionable alerts; observability is about unknown-unknowns and empowering teams to interrogate their systems.

In a sense, observability encompasses all of the telemetry needed to gain insight into the behavior and state of a running system. This includes items like application logs, system logs, audit logs, application metrics, and distributed-tracing data. These are all valuable signals for diagnosing and debugging production issues, especially in a microservice environment where containers are largely ephemeral. In this environment, it is no longer practical to SSH into a machine to debug a problem or tail a log file. Distributed tracing becomes particularly important since a single application transaction may invoke multiple service functions.

Observability Pipeline

It’s important that you can really own your data and prevent it from being locked up inside a single vendor’s solution. Likewise, it’s important that data can be made available to the entire enterprise (or, in some cases, made not available to the entire enterprise). Since the number of tools and products can be quite large, tool and data needs vary from team to team, and the overall amount of data can be overwhelming, I suggest a decoupled approach. By building an observability pipeline, we can decouple the collection of this data from the ingestion of it into a variety of systems.

To illustrate, if we have log data going to Splunk, metrics and traces going to Datadog, client events going to Google Analytics and BigQuery, and everything going to Amazon Glacier for cold storage, the number of integrations quickly becomes large and grows for every additional service we add. It also probably means we are running an agent for many of these services on each host, and if any of these services are unavailable or behind, our application either blocks or we lose critical observability data. With the amount of data we end up collecting, it’s not uncommon to spend more time collecting it than actually performing business logic unless we find a way to efficiently get it out of the critical path.

Finally, as vendors in this space converge on features (which they are), differentiating capabilities are released (which they will need), or licensing/pricing issues arise (which they do), it’s likely that the business will need to add or remove SaaS solutions over time. If these are tightly integrated, this can be difficult to do. An observability pipeline, as we will later see, allows us to evaluate multiple solutions simultaneously or replace solutions transparently to applications and infrastructure. For example, perhaps we need to switch from Splunk to Sumo Logic or Datadog to New Relic or evaluate Honeycomb in addition to New Relic. How big of a lift would this be for your organization today? How easy is it to experiment with a new tool or service?

With an observability pipeline, we decouple the data sources from the destinations and provide a buffer. This makes the observability data easily consumable. We no longer have to figure out what data to send from containers, VMs, and infrastructure, where to send it, and how to send it. Rather, all the data is sent to the pipeline, which handles filtering it and getting it to the right places. This also gives us greater flexibility in terms of adding or removing data sinks, and it provides a buffer between data producers and consumers.

There are a few components to this pipeline which I will cover below. Many of the components can be implemented with existing open source tools or off-the-shelf services, so those I will touch on only briefly. Other parts require more involvement and some up-front thinking, so I’ll speak to them in more detail.

Data Specifications

Structured logging is hugely important to aiding debuggability. Anyone who’s shipped production code has been in the situation where they’re frantically trying to regex logs to pull out the information they need to debug a problem. It’s even worse when we’re debugging a request going through a series of microservices with haphazard logging. But structured logging isn’t just about creating better logs, it’s about creating a data pipeline that can feed the many tools you’ll need to leverage to understand, debug, and optimize complex systems, meet security and compliance requirements, and provide critical business intelligence.

In order to monitor systems, debug problems, make decisions, or automate processes, we need data. And we need the systems to give us data to provide necessary context. Aside from structured logging, one piece of advice we give every client is to pass a context object to basically everything. This context includes all of the important metadata flowing through a system—usually IDs that allow you to correlate events and piece together a story of what’s happening inside your system: user ID, account ID, trace ID, request ID, parent ID, and so on. What we want to avoid is the sort of murder-mystery debugging that often happens. A lone error log is the equivalent of finding a body. We know a crime occurred, but how do we piece together the clues to tell the right story? Observability—that is, being able to ask questions of your systems and truly explore them—requires access to pre-aggregate, raw data and support for high-cardinality dimensions.

The way to decide what goes on the context is to think about the data you wish you had while debugging an issue (this also highlights the importance of developers supporting their own systems). What is the data that would change the behavior of the system? Some examples include the user (or company), their license, time, machine stats (e.g. CPU and memory), software version, configuration data, the incoming request, downstream requests, etc. Of these, what can we get for “free” and what do we need to pass along? “Free” in this case would be things which are machine-provided, such as memory and CPU. The data we can’t get for free should go on the context, typically data that is request-specific. This context should be included on every log message.

This brings us back to the importance of structuring your data. To do this, I encourage creating standard specifications for each data type collected—logs, metrics, traces, events, etc. You can take this as far as you’d like—highly structured with a type system and rigid specification—but at a minimum, get logs into a standard format with property tags. JSON is fine for the actual structure, but be sure to version the spec so that it can evolve. For application events, one pattern that can work well is to create an inheritance structure with a base spec that applies across services (e.g. user context and tracing information are the same) and specialized specs that can be defined by services if needed. Just be careful not to leak sensitive data here—this is one area where code reviews are vital.

Specification Libraries

A key part of empowering developers is providing tools that align the “easy” path with the “right” path. If these aren’t aligned, pain-driven development creates problems. In order for developers to take advantage of structured data, specifications aren’t enough. We need libraries which implement the specs and make it easy for engineers to actually instrument their systems. For logging, there are many existing libraries. Just Google “structured logs” and your language of choice. For tracing and metrics, there are APIs like OpenTracing and OpenCensus. In practice, implementing the spec might be a combination of libraries and transformations made by the data collector described below.

Data Collector

This component is responsible for collecting data from hosts, containers, or other sources and writing it to the data pipeline. It may also perform transformations or filtering of data. A couple popular open source solutions for this are Fluentd and Logstash. Typically this runs as a sidecar or agent on the host, and data is written to stdout/stderr or a Unix domain socket, which it then pushes to the pipeline.

Data Pipeline

This component is a highly scalable data stream which can handle the firehose of observability data being generated and has high availability. This also provides a buffer for the data and decouples producers from consumers. Off-the-shelf solutions include Apache Kafka, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Liftbridge.

Data Router

This component consumes data from the pipeline, performs filtering, and writes it to the appropriate backends. It may perform some transformations and processing of the data as well, but generally any heavy processing should be the responsibility of a backend system (e.g. alerting or aggregations). This is where the data specifications come into play. The data type will determine how routers handle incoming data, e.g. routing log data to Splunk and cold storage, routing traces to Google Stackdriver, and routing metrics and APM data to New Relic.

Like the specifications and libraries, this is a component that requires some more involvement. The downside of moving away from agent-based data collection is we now have to handle routing that data ourselves. The upside is most vendors provide good APIs and client libraries which make this easier.

Since this is typically a stateless service, it’s a good fit for “serverless” solutions like Google Cloud Functions or AWS Lambda.

Piecing It All Together

Putting all of these pieces together, the observability pipeline looks something like the following:

One caveat I want to point out is that this is not something you need to build out from day one. At most of the companies where we’ve implemented this, it was something that evolved over time. For instance, with some of the clients we work with who are attempting to move to the cloud and adopt DevOps practices, we typically would not advise making a significant upfront investment to architect this pipeline. This is an ideal goal to work towards that will become increasingly important as the amount of services, traffic, and data scales. Instead, architect your systems from the beginning to be able to adopt this approach more easily—use structured logging, keep collection out-of-process, and use a centralized logging system.

For organizations that are heavily siloed, this approach can help empower teams when it comes to operating their software. Unlocking this data can also be a huge win for the business. It provides a layer of abstraction that allows you to get the data everywhere it needs to be without impacting developers and the core system. Lastly, it allows you to change backing data systems easily or test multiple in parallel. With the amount of data and the number of tools modern systems demand these days, the observability pipeline becomes just as essential to the operations of a service as the CI/CD pipeline.

Iris Decentralized Cloud Messaging

A couple weeks ago, I published a rather extensive analysis of numerous message queues, both brokered and brokerless. Brokerless messaging is really just another name for peer-to-peer communication. As we saw, the difference in message latency and throughput between peer-to-peer systems and brokered ones is several orders of magnitude. ZeroMQ and nanomsg are able to reliably transmit millions of messages per second at the expense of guaranteed delivery.

Peer-to-peer messaging is decentralized, scalable, and fast, but it brings with it an inherent complexity. There is a dichotomy between how brokerless messaging is conceptualized and how distributed systems are actually built. Distributed systems are composed of services like applications, databases, caches, etc. Services are composed of instances or nodes—individually addressable hosts, either physical or virtual. The key observation is that, conceptually, the unit of interaction lies at the service level, not the instance level. We don’t care about which database server we interact with, we just want to talk to database server (or perhaps multiple). We’re concerned with logical groups of nodes.

While traditional socket-queuing systems like ZeroMQ solve the problem of scaling, they bring about a certain coupling between components. System designers are forced to build applications which communicate with nodes, not services. We can introduce load balancers like HAProxy, but we’re still addressing specific locations while creating potential single points of failure. With lightweight VMs and the pervasiveness of elastic clouds, IP addresses are becoming less and less static—they come and go. The canonical way of dealing with this problem is to use distributed coordination and service discovery via ZooKeeper, et al., but this introduces more configuration, more moving parts, and more headaches.

The reality is that distributed systems are not built with the instance as the smallest unit of composition in mind, they’re built with services in mind. As discussed earlier, a service is simply a logical grouping of nodes. This abstraction is what we attempt to mimic with things like etcd, ZooKeeper and HAProxy. These assemblies are proven, but there are alternative solutions that offer zero configuration, minimal network management, and overall less complexity. One such solution that I want to explore is a distributed messaging framework called Iris.

Decentralized Messaging with Iris

Iris is posited as a decentralized approach to backend messaging middleware. It looks to address several of the fundamental issues with traditional brokerless systems, like tight coupling and security.

In order to avoid the problem of addressing instances, Iris considers clusters to be the smallest logical blocks of which systems are composed. A cluster is a collection of zero or more nodes which are responsible for a certain service sub-task. Clusters are then assembled into services such that they can communicate with each other without any regard as to which instance is servicing their requests or where it’s located. Lastly, services are composed into federations, which allow them to communicate across different clouds.

This form of composition allows Iris to use semantic or logical addressing instead of the standard physical addressing. Nodes specify the name of the cluster they wish to participate in, while Iris handles the intricacies of routing and balancing. For example, you might have three database servers which belong to a single cluster called “databases.” The cluster is reached by its name and requests are distributed across the three nodes. Iris also takes care of service discovery, detecting new clusters as they are created on the same cloud.

With libraries like ZeroMQ, security tends to be an afterthought. Iris has been built from the ground-up with security in mind, and it provides a security model that is simple and fast.

Iris uses a relaxed security model that provides perfect secrecy whilst at the same time requiring effectively zero configuration. This is achieved through the observation that if a node of a service is compromised, the whole system is considered undermined. Hence, the unit of security is a service – opposed to individual instances – where any successfully authenticated node is trusted by all. This enables full data protection whilst maintaining the loosely coupled nature of the system.

In practice, what this means is that each cluster uses a single private key. This encryption scheme not only makes deployment trivial, it minimizes the effect security has on speed.

Like ZeroMQ and nanomsg, Iris offers a few different messaging patterns. It provides the standard request-reply and publish-subscribe schemes, but it’s important to remember that the smallest addressable unit is the cluster, not the node. As such, requests are targeted at a cluster and subsequently relayed on to a member in a load-balanced fashion. Publish-subscribe, on the other hand, is not targeted at a single cluster. It allows members of any cluster to subscribe and publish to a topic.

Iris also implements two patterns called “broadcast” and “tunnel.” While request-reply forwards a message to one member of a cluster, broadcast forwards it to all members. The caveat is that there is no way to listen for responses to a broadcast.

Tunnel is designed to address the problem of stateful or streaming transactions where a communication between two endpoints may consist of multiple data exchanges which need to occur as an atomic operation. It provides the guarantee of in-order and throttled message delivery by establishing a channel between a client and a node.

Performance Characteristics

According to its author, Iris is still in a “feature phase” and hasn’t been optimized for speed. Since it’s written in Go, I’ve compared its pub/sub benchmark performance with other Go messaging libraries, NATS and NSQ. As before, these benchmarks shouldn’t be taken as gospel, the code is available here, and pull requests are welcome.

We can see that Iris is comparable to NSQ on the sending side and about 4x on the receiving side, at least out of the box.


Brokerless systems like ZeroMQ and nanomsg offer considerably higher throughput and less latency than classical message-oriented middleware but require greater orchestration of network topologies. They offer high scalability but can lead to tighter coupling between components. Traditional brokered message queues, like those of the AMQP variety, tend to be slower while providing more guarantees and reduced coupling. However, they are also more prone to scale problems like availability and partitioning.

In terms of its qualities, Iris appears to be a reasonable compromise between the decentralized nature of the brokerless systems and the minimal-configuration and management of the brokered ones. Its intrinsic value lies in its ability to hide the complexities of the underlying infrastructure behind distributed systems. Rather, Iris lends itself to building large-scale systems the way we conceptualize and reason about them—by using services as the building blocks, not instances.

Modularizing Infinitum: A Postmortem

In addition to getting the code migrated from Google Code to GitHub, one of my projects over the holidays was to modularize the Infinitum Android framework I’ve been working on for the past year.

Infinitum began as a SQLite ORM and quickly grew to include a REST ORM implementation,  REST client, logging wrapper, DI framework, AOP module, and, of course, all of the framework tools needed to support these various functionalities. It evolved as I added more and more features in a semi-haphazard way. In my defense, the code was organized. It was logical. It made sense. There was no method, but there also was no madness. Everything was in an appropriately named package. Everything was coded to an interface. There was no duplicated code. However, modularity — in terms of minimizing framework dependencies — wasn’t really in mind at the time, and the code was all in a single project.

The Wild, Wild West

The issue wasn’t how the code was organized, it was how the code was integrated. The project was cowboy coding at its finest. I was the only stakeholder, the only tester, the only developer — judge, jury, and executioner. I was building it for my own personal use after all. Consequently, there was no planning involved, unit testing was somewhere between minimal and non-existent, and what got done was at my complete discretion. Ultimately, what was completed any given day, more or less, came down to what I felt like working on.

What started as an ORM framework became a REST framework, which became a logging framework, which became an IOC framework, which became an AOP framework. All of these features, built from the ground up, were tied together through a context, which provided framework configuration data. More important, the Infinitum context stored the bean factory used for storing and retrieving bean definitions used by both the framework and the client. The different modules themselves were not tightly coupled, but they were connected to the context like feathers on a bird.


The framework began to grow large. It was only about 300KB of actual code (JARed without ProGuard compression), but it had a number of library dependencies, namely Dexmaker, Simple XML, and GSON, which is over 1MB combined in size. Since it’s an Android framework, I wanted to keep the footprint as small as possible. Additionally, it’s likely that someone wouldn’t be using all of the features in the framework. Maybe they just need the SQLite ORM, or just the REST client, or just dependency injection. The way the framework was structured, they had to take it all or none.

A Painter Looking for a Brush

I began to investigate ways to modularize it. As I illustrated, the central problem lay in the fact that the Infinitum context had knowledge of all of the different modules and was responsible for calling and configuring their APIs. If the ORM is an optional dependency, the context should not need to have knowledge of it. How can the modules be decoupled from the context?

Obviously, there is a core dependency, Infinitum Core, which consists of the framework essentials. These are things used throughout the framework in all of the modules — logging, DI ((I was originally hoping to pull out dependency injection as a separate module, but the framework relies heavily on it to wire up components.)), exceptions, and miscellaneous utilities. The goal was to pull off ORM, REST, and AOP modules.

My initial approach was to try and use the decorator pattern to “decorate” the Infinitum context with additional functionality. The OrmContextDecorator would implement the ORM-specific methods, the AopContextDecorator would implement the AOP-specific methods, and so on. The problem with this was that it would still require the module-specific methods to be declared in the Infinitum context interface. Not only would they need to be stubbed out in the context implementation, a lot of module interfaces would need to be shuffled and placed in Infinitum Core  in order to satisfy the compiler. The problem remained; the context still had knowledge of all the modules.

I had another idea in mind. Maybe I could turn the Infinitum context from a single point of configuration to a hierarchical structure where each module has its own context as a “child” of the root context. The OrmContext interface could extend the InfinitumContext interface, providing ORM-specific functionality while still inheriting the core context methods. The implementation would then contain a reference to the parent context, so if it was unable to perform a certain piece of functionality, it could delegate to the parent. This could work. The Infinitum context has no notion of module X, Y, or Z, and, in effect, the control has been inverted. You could call it the Hollywood Principle — “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”


There’s still one remaining question: how do we identify the “child” contexts and subsequently initialize them? The solution is to maintain a module registry. This registry will keep track of the optional framework dependencies and is responsible for initializing them if they are available. We use a marker class from each module, a class we know exists if the dependency is included in the classpath, to check its availability.

public static boolean hasModule(Module module) {
return hasClass(module.getMarkerClass());
private static boolean hasClass(String name) {
try {
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return false;

Lastly, we use reflection to instantiate an instance of the module context. I used an enum to maintain a registry of Infinitum modules. I then extended the enum to add an initialize method which loads a context instance.

public enum Module {
// ...
public InfinitumContext initialize(InfinitumContext parent) {
try {
Class<?> contextClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(mContext);
List<Constructor<?>> ctors = mReflector.getAllConstructors(contextClass);
if (ctors.size() == 0)
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unable to load Infinitum context for module " + name() + ".");
return (InfinitumContext) mReflector.getClassInstance(ctors.get(0), parent);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unable to load Infinitum context for module " + name() + ",", e);
return null;

The modules get picked up during a post-processing step in the ContextFactory. It’s this step that also adds them as child contexts to the parent.

private void addChildContexts(XmlApplicationContext parent) {
for (Module module : Module.values()) {
if (ModuleUtils.hasModule(module))

New modules can be added to the registry without any changes elsewhere. As long as the context has been implemented, they will be picked up and processed automatically.

Once this architecture was in place, separating the framework into different projects was simple. Now Infinitum Core can be used by itself if only dependency injection is needed, the ORM can be included if needed for SQLite, AOP included for aspect-oriented programming, and Web for the RESTful web service client and various HTTP utilities.

We Shape Our Buildings, and Afterwards, Our Buildings Shape Us

I think this solution has helped to minimize some of the complexity a bit. As with any modular design, not only is it more extensible, it’s more maintainable. Each module context is responsible for its own configuration, so this certainly helped to reduce complexity in the InfinitumContext implementation as before it was handling the initialization for the ORM, AOP, and REST pieces. It also worked out in that I made the switch to GitHub ((Now that the code’s pushed to GitHub, I begin the laborious task of migrating the documentation over from Google Code.)) by setting up four discrete repositories, one for each module.

In retrospect, I would have made things a lot easier on myself if I had taken a more modular approach from the beginning. I ended up having to reengineer quite a bit, although once I had a viable solution, it actually wasn’t all that much work. I was fortunate in that I had things fairly well designed (perhaps not at a very high level, but in general) and extremely organized. It’s difficult to anticipate change, but chances are you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t. I started the framework almost a year ago, and I never imagined it would grow to what it is today.

The Importance of Being Idle

“Practice not-doing and everything will fall into place.”

It’s good to be lazy. Sometimes, in programming, it can also be hard to be lazy. It’s this paradox that I will explore today — The Art of Being Lazy. Specifically, I’m going to dive into a design pattern known as lazy loading by discussing why it’s used, the different flavors it comes in, and how it can be implemented.

Lazy loading is a pretty simple concept: don’t load something until you really need it. However, the philosophy can be generalized further: don’t do something until you need to do it. It’s this line of thinking that has helped lead to processes like Kanban and lean software development (and also probably got you through high school). Notwithstanding, this tenet goes beyond the organizational level. It’s about optimizing efficiency and minimizing waste. There’s a lot to be said about optimizing efficiency in a computer program, which is why The Art of Being Lazy is an exceedingly relevant principle.

They Don’t Teach You This in School

My first real job as a programmer was working as a contractor for Thomson Reuters.  I started as a .NET developer (having no practical experience with it whatsoever) working on a web application that primarily consisted of C# and ASP.NET. The project was an internal configuration management database, which is basically just a big database containing information pertaining to all of the components of an information system (in this case, Thomson’s West Tech network, the infrastructure behind their legal technology division).

This CMDB was geared towards providing application-impact awareness, which, more or less, meant that operations and maintenance teams could go in and see what applications or platforms would be affected by a server going down (hopefully for scheduled maintenance and not a datacenter outage), which business units were responsible for said applications, and who the contacts were for those groups. It also provided various other pieces of information pertaining to these systems, but what I’m getting at is that we were dealing with a lot of data, and this data was all interconnected. We had a very complex domain model with a lot of different relationships. What applications are running on what app servers? Which database servers do they depend on? What NAS servers have what NAS volumes mounted on them? The list goes on.

Our object graph was immense. You can imagine the scale of infrastructure a company like Thomson Reuters has. The crux of the problem was that we were persisting all of this data as well as the relationships between it, and we wanted to allow users of this software to navigate this vast hierarchy of information. Naturally, we used an ORM to help manage this complexity. Since we were working in .NET, and many of us were Java developers, we went with NHibernate.

We wanted to be able to load, say, an application server, and see all of the entities associated with it. To the uninitiated (which, at the time, would have included myself), this might seem like a daunting task. Loading any given entity would result in loading hundreds, if not thousands, of related entities because it would load those directly related, then those related to the immediate neighbors, continuing on in what seems like a never-ending cascade. Not only would it take forever, but we’d quickly run out of memory! There’s simply no way you can deal with an object graph of that magnitude and reasonably perform any kind of business logic on it. Moreover, it’s certainly not scalable, so obviously this would be a very naive thing to do. The good news is that, unsurprisingly,  it’s something that’s not necessary to do.

It’s Good to be Lazy

The solution, of course, as I’ve already hit you across the face with, is a design pattern known as lazy loading. The idea is to defer initialization of an object until it’s truly needed (i.e. accessed). Going back to my anecdote, when we load, for example, an application server entity, rather than eagerly loading all its associated entities, such as servers, applications, BIG-IPs, etc., we use placeholders. Those related entities are then loaded on-the-fly when they are accessed.

Lazy loading can be implemented in a few different ways, through lazy initialization, ghost objects, value holders, and dynamic proxies — each has its own trade-offs. I’ll talk about all of them, but I’m going to primarily focus on using proxies since it’s probably the most widely-used approach, especially within the ORM arena.

Lazy initialization probably best illustrates the concept of lazy loading. With lazy initialization, the object to be lazily loaded is represented by a special marker value (typically null) which indicates that the object has yet to be loaded. Every call to the object will first check to see if it has been loaded/initialized, and if it hasn’t, it gets loaded/initialized. Thus, the first call to the object will load it, while subsequent calls will not need to. The code below shows how this is done.

public class FooEntity {
private BarEntity relatedEntity;
public BarEntity getRelatedEntity() {
if (relatedEntity == null)
relatedEntity = new BarEntity(); // Alternatively, this might be a database call
return relatedEntity;

Ghost objects are simply entities that have been partially loaded, usually just having the ID populated so that the full object can be loaded later. This is very similar to lazy initialization. The difference is that the related entity is initialized but not populated.

public class FooEntity {
enum Status { GHOST, LOADING, LOADED };
private Status status;
private long id;
private BarEntity relatedEntity;
public FooEntity(long id) {
this.id = id;
public BarEntity getRelatedEntity() {
if (status == Status.GHOST)
return relatedEntity;

A value holder is an object that takes the place of the lazily loaded object and is responsible for loading it. The value holder has a getValue method which does the lazy loading. The entity is loaded on the first call to getValue.

public class FooEntity {
private ValueHolder relatedEntity;
public BarEntity getRelatedEntity() {
return (BarEntity) relatedEntity.getValue();

The above solutions get the job done, but their biggest problem is that they are pretty intrusive. The classes have knowledge that they are lazily loaded and require logic for loading. Luckily, there’s an option which helps to avoid this issue. Using dynamic proxies ((For more background on proxies themselves, check out one of my previous posts.)), we can write an entity class which has no knowledge of lazy loading and yet still lazily load it if we want to.

This is possible because the proxy extends the entity class or, if applicable, implements the same interface, allowing it to intercept calls to the entity itself. That way, the object need not be loaded, but when it’s accessed, the proxy intercepts the invocation, loads the object if needed, and then delegates the invocation to it. Since proxying classes requires bytecode instrumentation, we need to use a library like Cglib.

First, we implement an InvocationHandler we can use to handle lazy loading.

public abstract class LazilyLoadedObject implements InvocationHandler {
private Object target;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (target == null)
target = loadObject();
return method.invoke(target, args);
* Loads the proxied object. This might be an expensive operation
* or loading lots of objects could consume a lot of memory, so
* we only load the object when it's needed.
protected abstract Object loadObject();

Now, we can use Cglib’s Enhancer class to create a proxy.

FooEntity foo = (FooEntity) Enhancer.create(
new LazilyLoadedObject() {
protected Object loadObject() {
return Datastore.load(fooId);

Now, the first call to any method on foo will invoke loadObject, which in turn will load the object into memory. Cglib actually provides an interface for doing lazy loading called LazyLoader, so we don’t even need to implement an InvocationHandler.

FooEntity foo = (FooEntity) Enhancer.create(
new LazyLoader() {
public Object loadObject() throws Exception {
return Datastore.load(fooId);

ORM frameworks like Hibernate use proxies to implement lazy loading, which is one of the features we took advantage of while developing the CMDB application. One of the nifty things that Hibernate supports is paged lazy loading, which allows entities in a collection to be loaded and unloaded while it’s being iterated over. This is extremely useful for one-to-many and, in particular, one-to-very-many relationships.

Lazy loading was also one of the features I included in Infinitum’s ORM, implemented using dynamic proxies as well. ((Java bytecode libraries like Cglib are not compatible on the Android platform. Android uses its own bytecode variant.)) At a later date, I may examine how lazy loading is implemented within the context of an ORM and how Infinitum uses it. It’s a very useful design pattern and provides some pretty significant performance optimizations. It just goes to show that sometimes being lazy pays off.