Getting big wins with small teams on tight deadlines

Part of what we do at Real Kinetic is give companies confidence to ship software in the cloud. Many of our clients are large organizations that have been around for a long time but who don’t always have much experience when it comes to cloud. Others are startups and mid-sized companies who may have some experience, but might just want another set of eyes or are looking to mature some of their practices. Whatever the case, one of the things we frequently talk to our clients about is the value of both serverless and managed services. We have found that these are critical to getting big wins with small teams on tight deadlines in the cloud. Serverless in particular has been key to helping clients get some big wins in ways others didn’t think possible.

We often get pulled into a company to help them develop and launch new products in the cloud. These are typically high-profile projects with tight deadlines. These deadlines are almost always in terms of months, usually less than six. As a result, many of the executives and managers we talk to in these situations are skeptical of their team’s ability to execute on these types of timeframes. Whether it’s lack of cloud experience, operations and security concerns, compliance issues, staffing constraints, or some combination thereof, there’s always a reason as to why it can’t be done.

And then, some months later, it gets done.

Mental Model of the Cloud

The skepticism is valid. Often people’s mental model of the cloud is something like this:

A subset of typical cloud infrastructure concerns

More often than not, this is what cloud infrastructure looks like. In addition to what’s shown, there are other concerns. These include things like managing backups and disaster recovery, multi-zone or regional deployments, VM images, and reserved instances. It can be deceiving because simply getting an app running in this environment isn’t terribly difficult, and most engineers will tell you that—these are the “day-one” costs. But engineers don’t tend to be the best at giving estimates while still undervaluing their own time. The minds of most seasoned managers, however, will usually go to the “day-two” costs—what are the ongoing maintenance and operations costs, the security and compliance considerations, and the staffing requirements? This is why we consistently see so much skepticism. If this is also your initial foray into the cloud, that’s a lot of uncertainty! A manager’s job, after all, is to reduce uncertainty.

We’ve been there. We’ve also had to manage those day-two costs. I’ve personally gone through the phases of building a complex piece of software in the cloud, having to maintain one, having to manage a team responsible for one, and having to help a team go through the same process as an outside consultant. Getting that perspective has helped me develop an appreciation for what it really means to ship software. It’s why we like to take a different tack at Real Kinetic when it comes to cloud.

We are big on picking a cloud platform and going all-in on it. Whether it’s AWS, GCP, or Azure—pick your platform, embrace its capabilities, and move on. That doesn’t mean there isn’t room to use multiple clouds. Some platforms are better than others in different areas, such as data analytics or machine learning, so it’s wise to leverage the strengths of each platform where it makes sense. This is especially true for larger organizations who will inevitably span multiple clouds. What we mean by going “all-in” on a platform, particularly as it relates to application development, is sidestepping the trap that so many organizations fall intohedging their bets. For a variety of reasons, many companies will take a half measure when adopting a cloud platform by avoiding things like managed services and serverless. Vendor lock-in is usually at the top of their list of concerns. Instead, they end up with something akin to the diagram above, and in doing so, lose out on the differentiated benefits of the platform. They also incur significantly more day-two costs.

The Value and Cost of Serverless

We spend a lot of time talking to our clients about this trade-off. With managers, it usually resonates when we ask if they want their people focusing on shipping business value or doing commodity work. With engineers, architects, or operations folks, it can be more contentious. On more than a few occasions, we’ve talked clients out of using Kubernetes for things that were well-suited to serverless platforms. Serverless is not the right fit for everything, but the reality is many of the workloads we encounter are primarily CRUD-based microservices. These can be a good fit for platforms like AWS Lambda, Google App Engine, or Google Cloud Run. The organizations we’ve seen that have adopted these services for the correct use cases have found reduced operations investment, increased focus on shipping things that matter to the business, accelerated delivery of new products, and better cost efficiency in terms of infrastructure utilization.

If vendor lock-in is your concern, it’s important to understand both the constraints and the trade-offs. Not all serverless platforms are created equal. Some are highly opinionated, others are not. In the early days, Google App Engine was highly opinionated, requiring you to use its own APIs to build your application. This meant moving an application built on App Engine was no small feat. Today, that is no longer the case; the new App Engine runtimes allow you to run just about any application. Cloud Run, a serverless container platform, allows you to deploy a container that can run anywhere. The costs are even less. On the other hand, using a serverless database like Cloud Firestore or DynamoDB requires using a proprietary API, but APIs can be abstracted.

In order to decide if the trade-off makes sense, you need to determine three things:

  1. What is the honest likelihood you’ll need to move in the future?
  2. What are the switching costs—the amount of time and effort needed to move?
  3. What is the value you get using the solution?

These are not always easy things to determine, but the general rule is this: if the value you’re getting offsets the switching costs times the probability of switching—and it often does—then it’s not worth trying to hedge your bet. There can be a lot of hidden considerations, namely operations and development overhead and opportunity costs. It can be easy to forget about these when making a decision. In practice, vendor lock-in tends to be less about code portability and more about capability lock-in—think things like user management, Identity and Access Management, data management, cloud-specific features and services, and so forth. These are what make switching hard, not code.

Another concern we commonly hear with serverless is cost. In our experience, however, this is rarely an issue for appropriate use cases. While serverless can be more expensive in terms of cloud spend for some situations, this cost is normally offset by the reduced engineering and ongoing operations costs. Using serverless and managed services for the right things can be quite cost-effective. This may not always hold true, such as for large organizations who can negotiate with providers for committed cloud spend, but for many cases it makes sense.

Serverless isn’t just about compute. While people typically associate serverless with things like Lambda or Cloud Functions, it actually extends far beyond this. For example, in addition to its serverless compute offerings (Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, and App Engine), GCP has serverless storage (Cloud Storage, Firestore, and Datastore), serverless integration components (Cloud Tasks, Pub/Sub, and Scheduler), and serverless data and machine learning services (BigQuery, AutoML, and Dataflow). While each of these services individually offers a lot of value, it’s not until we start to compose them together in different ways where we really see the value of serverless appear.

Serverless vs. Managed Services

Some might consider the services I mentioned above “managed services”, so let me clarify that. We generally talk about “serverless” being the idea that the cloud provider fully manages and maintains the server infrastructure. This means the notion of “managed services” and “serverless” are closely related, but they are also distinct.

A serverless product is also managed, but not all managed services are serverless. That is to say, serverless is a subset of managed services.

Serverless means you stop thinking about the concept of servers in your architecture. This broadly encompasses words like “servers”, “instances”, “nodes”, and “clusters.” Continuing with our GCP example, these words would be associated with products like GKE, Dataproc, Bigtable, Cloud SQL, and Spanner. These services are decidedly not serverless because they entail some degree of managing and configuring servers or clusters, even though they are managed services.

Instead, you start thinking in terms of APIs and services. This would be things like Cloud Functions, Dataflow, BigQuery, Cloud Run, and Firestore. These have no servers or clusters. They are simply APIs that you interact with to build your applications. They are more specialized managed services.

Why does this distinction matter? It matters because of the ramifications it has for where we invest our time. Managing servers and clusters is going to involve a lot more operations effort, even if the base infrastructure is managed by the cloud provider. Much of this work can be considered “commodity.” It is not work that differentiates the business. This is the trade-off of getting more control—we take on more responsibility. In rough terms, the managed services that live outside of the serverless circle are going to be more in the direction of “DevOps”, meaning they will involve more operations overhead. The managed services inside the serverless circle are going to be more in the direction of “NoOps”. There is still work involved in using them, but the line of responsibility has moved upwards with the cloud provider responsible for more. We get less control over the infrastructure, but that means we can focus more on the business outcomes we develop on top of that infrastructure.

In fairness, it’s not always a black-and-white determination. Things can get a little blurry since serverless might still provide some degree of control over runtime parameters like memory or CPU, but this tends to be limited in comparison to managing a full server. There might also be some notion of “instances”, as in the case of App Engine, but that notion is much more abstract. Finally, some services appear to straddle the line between managed service and serverless. App Engine Flex, for instance, allows you to SSH into its VMs, but you have no real control over them. It’s a heavily sandboxed environment.

Why Serverless?

Serverless enables focusing on business outcomes. By leveraging serverless offerings across cloud platforms, we’ve seen product launches go from years to months (and often single-digit months). We’ve seen release cycles go from weeks to hours. We’ve seen development team sizes go from double digits to a few people. We’ve seen ops teams go from dozens of people to just one or two. It’s allowed these people to focus on more differentiated work. It’s given small teams of people a significant amount of leverage.

It’s no secret. Serverless is how we’ve helped many of our clients at Real Kinetic get big wins with small teams on tight deadlines. It’s not always the right fit and there are always trade-offs to consider. But if you’re not at least considering serverless—and more broadly, managed services—then you’re not getting the value you should be getting out of your cloud platform. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Find the places where you can leverage serverless in combination with managed services or more traditional infrastructure. You too will be surprising and impressing your managers and leadership.

Continuous Deployment for AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a managed service for building ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) jobs. It’s a useful tool for implementing analytics pipelines in AWS without having to manage server infrastructure. Jobs are implemented using Apache Spark and, with the help of Development Endpoints, can be built using Jupyter notebooks. This makes it reasonably easy to write ETL processes in an interactive, iterative fashion. Once finished, the Jupyter notebook is converted into a Python script, uploaded to S3, and then run as a Glue job.

There are a number of steps involved in doing this, so it can be worthwhile to automate the process into a CI/CD pipeline. In this post, I’ll show you how you can build an automated pipeline using GitHub Actions to do continuous deployment of Glue jobs built on PySpark and Jupyter notebooks. The full code for this demo is available on GitHub.

The Abstract Workflow

First, I’m going to assume you already have a notebook for which you’d like to set up continuous deployment. If you don’t, you can take a look at my example, but keep in mind you’ll need to have the appropriate data sources and connections set up in Glue for it to work. This post won’t be focusing on the ETL script itself but rather the build and deployment pipeline for it.

I recommend treating your Jupyter notebooks as the “source code” for your ETL jobs and treating the resulting Python script as the “build artifact.” Though this can present challenges for diffing, I find providing the notebook from which the code was derived makes the development process easier, particularly when collaborating with other developers. Additionally, GitHub has good support for rendering Jupyter notebooks, and there is tooling available for diffing notebooks, such as nbdime.

With that in mind, the general flow of our deployment pipeline looks something like this:

  1. Upon new commits to master, generate a Python script from the Jupyter notebook.
  2. Copy the generated Python script to an S3 bucket.
  3. Update a Glue job to use the new script.

You might choose to run some unit or integration tests for your script as well, but I’ve omitted this for brevity.

The Implementation

As I mentioned earlier, I’m going to use GitHub Actions to implement my CI/CD pipeline, but you could just as well use another tool or service to implement it. Actions makes it easy to automate workflows and it’s built right into GitHub. If you’re already familiar with it, some of this will be review.

In our notebook repository, we’ll create a .github/workflows directory. This is where GitHub Actions looks for workflows to run. Inside that directory, we’ll create a main.yml file for defining our CI/CD workflow.

First, we need to give our workflow a name. Our pipeline will simply consist of two jobs, one for producing the Python script and another for deploying it, so I’ll name the workflow “build-and-deploy.”

name: build-and-deploy

Next, we’ll configure when the workflow runs. This could be on push to a branch, when a pull request is created, on release, or a number of other events. In our case, we’ll just run it on pushes to the master branch.

    branches: [ master ]

Now we’re ready to define our “build” job. We will use a tool called nbconvert to convert our .ipynb notebook file into an executable Python script. This means our build job will have some setup. Specifically, we’ll need to install Python and then install nbconvert using Python’s pip. Before we define our job, we need to add the “jobs” section to our workflow file:

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run
# sequentially or in parallel.

Here we define the jobs that we want our workflow to run as well as their order. Our build job looks like the following:

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your
    # job can access it
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Python 3.8
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: '3.8'
    - name: Install nbconvert
      run: |
        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install nbconvert

    - name: Convert notebook
      run: jupyter nbconvert --to python traffic.ipynb

    - name: Upload python script
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2

The “runs-on” directive determines the base container image used to run our job. In this case, we’re using “ubuntu-latest.” The available base images to use are listed here, or you can create your own self-hosted runners with Docker. After that, we define the steps to run in our job. This consists of first checking out the code in our repository and setting up Python using built-in actions.

Once Python is set up, we pip install nbconvert. We then use nbconvert, which works as a subcommand of Jupyter, to convert our notebook file to a Python file. Note that you’ll need to specify the correct .ipynb file in your repository—mine is called traffic.ipynb. The file produced by nbconvert will have the same name as the notebook file but with the .py extension.

Finally, we upload the generated Python file so that it can be shared between jobs and stored once the workflow completes. This is necessary because we’ll need to access the script from our “deploy” job. It’s also useful because the artifact is now available to view and download from the workflow run, including historical runs.

Now that we have our Python script generated, we need to implement a job to deploy it to AWS. This happens in two steps: upload the script to an S3 bucket and update a Glue job to use the new script. To do this, we’ll need to install the AWS CLI tool and configure credentials in our job. Here is the full deploy job definition, which I’ll talk through below:

  needs: build
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Download python script from build
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
    - name: Install AWS CLI
      run: |
        curl "" -o ""
        sudo ./aws/install
    - name: Set up AWS credentials
      shell: bash
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/.aws
        touch ~/.aws/credentials
        echo "[default]
        aws_access_key_id = $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
        aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" > ~/.aws/credentials
    - name: Upload to S3
      run: aws s3 cp s3://${{secrets.S3_BUCKET}}/traffic_${GITHUB_SHA}.py --region us-east-1
    - name: Update Glue job
      run: |
        aws glue update-job --job-name "Traffic ETL" --job-update \
"Role=AWSGlueServiceRole-TrafficCrawler,Command={Name=glueetl,ScriptLocation=s3://${{secrets.S3_BUCKET}}/traffic_${GITHUB_SHA}.py},Connections={Connections=redshift}" \
--region us-east-1
    - name: Cleanup
      run: rm -rf ~/.aws

We use “needs: build” to specify that this job depends on the “build” job. This determines the order in which jobs are run. The first step is to download the Python script we generated in the previous job.

Next, we install the AWS CLI using the steps recommended by Amazon. The AWS CLI relies on credentials in order to make API calls, so we need to set those up. For this, we use GitHub’s encrypted secrets which allow you to store sensitive information within your repository or organization. This prevents our credentials from leaking into code or workflow logs. In particular, we’ll use an AWS access key to authenticate the CLI. In our notebook repository, we’ll create two new secrets, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, which contain the respective access key tokens. Our workflow then injects these into an ~/.aws/credentials file, which is where the AWS CLI looks for credentials.

With our credentials set up, we can now use the CLI to make API calls to AWS. The first thing we need to do is copy the Python script to an S3 bucket. In the workflow above, I’ve parameterized this using a secret called S3_BUCKET, but you could also just hardcode this or parameterize it using a configuration file. This bucket acts as a staging directory for our Glue scripts. You’ll also notice that I append the Git commit SHA to the name of the file uploaded to S3. This way, you’ll know exactly what version of the code the script contains and the bucket will retain a history of each script. This is useful when you need to debug a job or revert to a previous version.

Once the script is uploaded, we need to update the Glue job. This requires the job to be already bootstrapped in Glue, but you could modify the workflow to update the job or create it if it doesn’t yet exist. For simplicity, we’ll just assume the job is already created. Our update command specifies the name of the job to update and a long –job-update string argument that looks like the following:


This configures a few different settings on the job, two of which are required. “Role” sets the IAM role associated with the job. This is important since it determines what resources your Glue job can access. “Command” sets the job command to execute, which is basically whether it’s a Spark ETL job (“glueetl”), Spark Streaming job (“gluestreaming”), or a Python shell job (“pythonshell”). Since we are running a PySpark job, we set the command name to “glueetl” and then specify the script location, which is the path to our newly uploaded script. Lastly, we set a connection used by the job. This isn’t a required parameter but is important if your job accesses any Glue data catalog connections. In my case, that’s a Redshift database connection I’ve created in Glue, so update this accordingly for your job. The Glue update-job command is definitely the most unwieldy part of our workflow, so refer to the documentation for more details.

The last step is to remove the stored credentials file that we created. This step isn’t strictly necessary since the job container is destroyed once the workflow is complete, but in my opinion is a good security hygiene practice.

Now, all that’s left to do is see if it works. To do this, simply commit the workflow file which should kick off the GitHub Action. In the Actions tab of your repository, you should see a running workflow. Upon completion, the build job output should look something like this:

And the deploy output should look something like this:

At this point, you should see your Python script in the S3 bucket you configured, and your Glue job should be pointing to the new script. You’ve successfully deployed your Glue job and have automated the process so that each new commit will deploy a new version! If you wanted, you could also extend this workflow to start the new job or create a separate workflow that runs on a set schedule, e.g. to kick off a nightly batch ETL process.

Hopefully you’ve found this useful for automating your own processes around AWS Glue or Jupyter notebooks. GitHub Actions provides a convenient and integrated solution for implementing CI/CD pipelines. With it, we can build a nice development workflow for getting Glue ETL code to production with continuous deployment.

Implementing ETL on GCP

ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) processes are an essential component of any data analytics program. This typically involves loading data from disparate sources, transforming or enriching it, and storing the curated data in a data warehouse for consumption by different users or systems. An example of this would be taking customer data from operational databases, joining it with data from Salesforce and Google Analytics, and writing it to an OLAP database or BI engine.

In this post, we’ll take an honest look at building an ETL pipeline on GCP using Google-managed services. This will primarily be geared towards people who may be familiar with SQL but may feel less comfortable writing code or building a solution that requires a significant amount of engineering effort. This might include data analysts, data scientists, or perhaps more technical-oriented business roles. That is to say, we’re mainly looking at low-code/no-code solutions, but we’ll also touch briefly on more code-heavy options towards the end. Specifically, we’ll compare and contrast Data Fusion and Cloud Dataprep. As part of this, we will walk through the high-level architecture of an ETL pipeline and discuss common patterns like data lakes and data warehouses.

General Architecture

It makes sense to approach ETL in two phases. First, we need a place to land raw, unprocessed data. This is commonly referred to as a data lake. The data lake’s job is to serve as a landing zone for all of our business data, even if the purpose of some of that data is not yet clear. The data lake is also where we can de-identify or redact sensitive data before it moves further downstream.

The second phase is processing the raw data and storing it for particular use cases. This is referred to as a data warehouse. The data here feeds end-user queries and reports for business analysts, BI tools, dashboards, spreadsheets, ML models, and other business activities. The data warehouse structures the data in a way suitable for these specific needs.

On GCP, our data lake is implemented using Cloud Storage, a low-cost, exabyte-scale object store. This is an ideal place to land massive amounts of raw data. We can also use Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to alert on or redact any sensitive data such as PII or PHI. Once use cases have been identified for the data, we then transform it and move it into our curated data warehouse implemented with BigQuery.

At a high level, our analytics pipeline architecture looks something like the following. The components in green are pieces implemented on GCP.

We won’t cover how data gets ingested into the data warehouse. This might be a data-integration tool like Mulesoft or Informatica if we’re moving data from on-prem. It might be an automated batch process using gsutil, a Python script, or Transfer Service. Alternatively, it might be a more real-time push process that streams data in via Cloud Pub/Sub. Either way, we’ll assume we have some kind of mechanism to load our data into Cloud Storage.

We will focus our time discussing the “Transform Process” step in the diagram above. This is where Data Fusion and Cloud Dataprep fit in.

Data Fusion

Data Fusion is a code-free data integration tool that runs on top of Hadoop. The user is intended to define ETL pipelines using a graphical plug-and-play UI with preconfigured connectors and transformations. Data Fusion is actually a managed version of an open source system called Cask Data Analytics Platform (CDAP) which Google acquired in 2018. It’s a relatively new product in GCP, and it shows. The UX is rough and there are a lot of sharp edges. For example, when an instance starts up, you can occasionally hit cryptic errors because the instance has not actually initialized fully. Case in point, try deciphering what this error means:

The theory of letting users with no programming experience implement and run ETL pipelines is appealing. However, the reality is that you will end up trying to understand Hadoop debug logs and opaque error messages when things go wrong, which happens frequently.

The pipelines created in Data Fusion run on Cloud Dataproc. This means every time you run a pipeline, you first need to wait for a Dataproc cluster to spin up—which is slow. Google’s recommendation to speed this up is to configure a runtime profile that uses a pre-existing Dataproc cluster. This has several downsides, one of which is simply the cost of keeping a Dataproc cluster running in addition to your Data Fusion instance. But what is the point of keeping a cluster running that only gets used for nightly batch processes or ad hoc pipeline development? The other is the technical and operations overhead required to configure and manage a cluster. This requires provisioning an appropriately sized cluster, creating an SSH key for it, and adding the key to the cluster so that Data Fusion can connect to it. For a product designed to allow relatively non-technical people to build out pipelines, this is a tall order. You’ll also quickly see how rough the UX is when walking through these steps.

The other downside of Data Fusion is that it’s actually pretty expensive. CDAP consists of a whole bunch of components. When you start a Data Fusion instance, it creates an internal GKE cluster to run all of these components. In addition to this, it relies on Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Persistent Disks, Elasticsearch, and Cloud KMS. The net result is that instances take approximately 10-20 minutes to start (now closer to 10 with recent improvements) and, for many, they’re not something you run and forget about.

A Basic Edition instance costs about $1,100 per month, while an Enterprise Edition instance costs $3,000 per month. For larger organizations, that might be a nominal cost, but it stings a bit when you realize that is just the cost to run the pipeline editor. The pipelines themselves run on Dataproc, which is an entirely separate—and significant—line item. What’s worse is that you have to keep the Data Fusion instance running in order to actually execute the ETL pipelines you develop in it. Additionally, the Basic Edition will only let you run pipelines on demand. In order to schedule pipelines or trigger them in a more streaming fashion, you have to use the Enterprise Edition. As a result, I often encounter teams wanting to schedule startup and shutdown for both the Dataproc clusters and Data Fusion instances to avoid unnecessary spend. This has to be done with code.

Data Fusion Pipeline Editor

Pipelines are immutable, which means every time you need to tweak a pipeline, you first have to make a copy of it. Immutability sounds nice in theory, but in practice it means you end up with dozens of pipeline iterations as you build out your process. And in order to save your pipeline when a Data Fusion instance is deleted—say because you’re shutting it down nightly to save on costs—you have to export it to a file and then import it to the new instance. Recycling instances will still lose the job information for previous pipeline runs, however. There is no way to “pause” an instance, which makes pipeline management a pain.

Data Fusion itself is fairly robust in what you can do with it. It can extract data from a broad set of sources, including Cloud Storage, perform a variety of transformations, and load results into an assortment of destinations such as BigQuery. That said, I’m still a bit skeptical about no-code solutions for non-technical users. I still often find myself dropping in a JavaScript transform in order to actually do the manipulations on the data that I need versus trying to do it with a combination of preconfigured drag-and-drop widgets. Most of the analysts I’ve seen using it also just want to use SQL to do their transformations. Trying to join two data sources using a UI is frankly just more difficult than writing a SQL join. The data wrangler uses a goofy scripting language called JEXL that is poorly documented and inconsistently implemented. To put it bluntly, the UI and UX in Data Fusion (technically CDAP) is painful, and I often find myself wishing I could just write some Python. It just feels like an open source product that doesn’t see much investment.

Data Fusion Wrangler

Data Fusion is a bit of an oddball when viewed in the context of how GCP normally approaches services until you realize it was an acquisition of a company built around an open source framework. In that light, it feels very similar to Cloud Composer, another product built around an open source framework, Apache Airflow, which feels equally kludgy. Most of Google’s data products are highly refined with an emphasis on serverless and developer experience. Services like BigQuery, Dataflow, and Cloud Pub/Sub come to mind here. Data Fusion is the polar opposite. It’s clunky, the CDAP infrastructure is heavy and expensive, and it still requires low-level operations like when you’re configuring a Dataproc cluster.

Dataproc itself feels like a service for handling legacy Hadoop workloads since it has a lot of operations overhead. For newer workloads, I would target Dataflow which is closer to a “serverless” experience like BigQuery and is evidently on the roadmap as a runtime target for Data Fusion.

The CDAP UX is quirky, confusing, inconsistent, and generally unpleasant. The moment anything goes awry, which is often and unwittingly the case, you’re thrust into the world of Hadoop to divine what went wrong. I’m a raving fan of much of GCP’s managed services. On the whole, I find them to be better engineered, better thought-out, and better from a developer experience perspective compared to other cloud platforms. Data Fusion ain’t it.

Cloud Dataprep

Cloud Dataprep is actually a third-party application offered by Trifacta through GCP. In fact, it’s really just a GCP-specific SKU of Trifacta’s Wrangler product. The downside of this is that you have to agree to a third-party vendor’s terms and conditions. For some, this will likely trigger a whole separate sourcing process. This is a challenge for a lot of enterprise organizations.

If you can get past the procurement conundrum, you’ll find Dataprep to be a highly polished and refined product. In comparison to Data Fusion, it’s a breath of fresh air and is superior in nearly every aspect. The UI is pleasant, the UX is—for the most part—coherent and intuitive, it’s cheaper, and it’s a proper serverless product. Dataprep feels like what I would expect from a first-class managed service on GCP.

Dataprep Flow Editor

Dataprep is similar to Data Fusion in the sense that it allows you to build out pipelines with a graphical interface which then target an underlying runtime. In the case of Dataprep, it targets Dataflow rather than Dataproc. This means we benefit from the features of Dataflow, namely auto-provisioning and scaling of infrastructure. Jobs tend to run much more quickly and reliably than with Data Fusion. Another key difference is that, unlike Data Fusion, Dataprep doesn’t require an “instance” to develop pipelines. It is more like a SaaS application that relies on Dataflow. Today, using the app to develop pipelines is free of charge. You only incur charges from Dataflow resource usage. Unfortunately, this is changing as Trifacta is switching to a tiered monthly subscription model later this year. This will put base costs more in-line with Data Fusion, but I suspect the reliance on Dataflow will bring overall costs down.

The pipeline management in Dataprep is simpler than in Data Fusion. Pipelines in Dataprep are called “flows.” These are mutable and private by default but can be shared with other users. Because Dataprep is a SaaS product, you don’t need to worry about exporting and persisting your pipelines, and job data from previous flow executions is retained.

Dataprep has some drawbacks though. Broadly speaking, it’s not as feature-rich as Data Fusion. It can only integrate with Cloud Storage and BigQuery, while Data Fusion supports a wide array of data sources and sinks. You can do more with Data Fusion, while with Dataprep, you’re more or less confined to the wrangler. Because of this, Dataprep is well-suited to lighter weight processes and data cleansing—joining data sources, standardizing formats, identifying missing or mismatched values, deduplicating rows, and other things like that. It also works well for data exploration and slicing and dicing.

Dataprep Wrangler

I often find teams using both Data Fusion and Dataprep. Data Fusion gets used for more advanced ETL processes and Dataprep for, well, data preparation. If it’s available to them, teams usually start with Dataprep and then switch to Data Fusion if they hit a wall with what it can do.


Data Fusion and Dataprep attempt to provide a managed solution that lets users with little-to-no programming experience build out ETL pipelines. Dataprep definitely comes closer to realizing that goal due to its more refined UX and reliance on Dataflow rather than Dataproc. However, I tend to dislike managed “workflow engines” like these. Cloud Composer and AWS Glue, which is Amazon’s managed ETL service, are other examples that fall under this category.

These types of services usually sit in a weird in-between position of trying to provide low-code solutions with GUIs but needing to understand how to debug complex and sophisticated distributed computing systems. It seems like every time you try something to make building systems easier, you wind up needing to understand the “easier” thing plus the “hard” stuff it was trying to make easy. This is what Joel Spolsky refers to as the Law of Leaky Abstractions. It’s why I prefer to write code to solve problems versus relying on low-code interfaces. The abstractions can work okay in some cases, but it’s when things go wrong or you need a little bit more flexibility where you run into problems. It can be a touchy subject, but I’ve found that the most effective data programs within organizations are the ones that have software engineers or significant programming and systems development skill sets. This is especially true if you’re on AWS where there’s more operations and networking knowledge required.

With that said, there are some alternative approaches to implementing ETL processes on GCP that move away from the more low/no-code options. If your team consists mostly of software engineers or folks with a development background, these might be a better option.

My go-to for building data processing pipelines is Cloud Dataflow, which is a serverless system for implementing stream and batch pipelines. With Dataflow, you don’t need to think about capacity and resource provisioning and, unlike Data Fusion and Dataproc, you don’t need to keep a standby cluster running as there is no “cluster.” The compute is automatically provisioned and autoscaled for you based on the job. You can use code to do your transformations or use SQL to join different data sources.

ETL Pipeline with Dataflow

For batch ETL, I like a combination of Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions, and Dataflow. Cloud Scheduler can kick off the ETL process by hitting a Cloud Function which can then trigger your Dataflow template. Alternatively, you could use a streaming Dataflow pipeline in combination with Cloud Scheduler and Pub/Sub to launch your batch ETL pipelines. Google has an example of this here.

For streaming ETL, data can be fed into a streaming Dataflow pipeline from Cloud Pub/Sub and processed as usual. This data can even be joined with files in Cloud Storage or tables in BigQuery using SQL. This is what I found myself and many of the clients I’ve worked with wanting to do in Data Fusion and Dataprep. Sometimes you just want to write SQL, which leads to another solution.

BigQuery provides a good mechanism for ELT—that is extracting the data from its sources, loading it into BigQuery, and then performing the transformations on it. This is a good option if you’re dealing with primarily batch-driven processes and you have a SQL-heavy team as the transformations are expressed purely through SQL. The transformation queries can either be scheduled directly in BigQuery or triggered in an automated way using the API, such as running the transformations after data loading completes.

ELT Pipeline with BigQuery

I mentioned earlier that I’m not a huge fan of managed workflow engines. This is speaking to high-level abstractions and heavy, monolithic frameworks specifically. However, I am a fan of lightweight, composable abstractions that make it easy to build scalable and fault-tolerant workflows. Examples of this include AWS Step Functions and Google Cloud Tasks. On GCP, Cloud Tasks can be a great alternative to Dataflow for building more code-heavy ETL processes if you’re not tied in to Apache Beam. In combination with Cloud Run, you can build out highly elastic workflows that are entirely serverless. While it’s not the obvious choice for implementing ETL on GCP, it’s definitely worth a mention.


There are several options when it comes to implementing ETL processes on GCP. What the right fit is depends on your team’s skill set, the use cases, and your affinity for certain tools. Cost and operational complexity are also important considerations. In practice, however, it’s likely you’ll end up using a combination of different solutions.

For low/no-code solutions, Data Fusion and Cloud Dataprep are your only real options. While Data Fusion is rough from a usability perspective and generally more expensive, it’s likely where Google is putting significant investment. Dataprep is more refined and cost-effective but limited in capability, and it brings a third-party vendor into the mix. Using BigQuery itself for ELT is also an option for SQL-minded teams. But for teams with a strong engineering background, my recommended starting point is Cloud Dataflow or even Cloud Tasks for certain types of processing work.

Together with Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Data Loss Prevention, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and GCP’s other managed services, these solutions provide a great way to implement analytics pipelines that require minimal operations investment.

Zero-Trust Security on GCP With Context-Aware Access

A lot of our clients at Real Kinetic leverage serverless on GCP to quickly build applications with minimal operations overhead. Serverless is one of the things that truly differentiates GCP from other cloud providers, and App Engine is a big component of this. Many of these companies come from an on-prem world and, as a result, tend to favor perimeter-based security models. They rely heavily on things like IP and network restrictions, VPNs, corporate intranets, and so forth. Unfortunately, this type of security model doesn’t always fit nicely with serverless due to the elastic and dynamic nature of serverless systems.

Recently, I worked with a client who was building an application for internal support staff on App Engine. They were using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) to authenticate users and authorize access to the application. IAP provides a fully managed solution for implementing a zero-trust access model for App Engine and Compute Engine. In this case, their G Suite user directory was backed by Active Directory, which allowed them to manage access to the application using Single Sign-On and AD groups.

Everything was great until the team hit a bit of a snag when they went through their application vulnerability assessment. Because it was for internal users, the security team requested the application be restricted to the corporate network. While I’m deeply skeptical of the value this adds in terms of security—the application was already protected by SSO and two-factor authentication and IAP cannot be bypassed with App Engine—I shared my concerns and started evaluating options. Sometimes that’s just the way things go in a larger, older organization. Culture shifts are hard and take time.

App Engine has firewall rules built in which allow you to secure incoming traffic to your application with allow/deny rules based on IP, so it seemed like an easy fix. The team would be in production in no time!

App Engine firewall rules

Unfortunately, there are some issues with how these firewall rules work depending on the application architecture. All traffic to App Engine goes through Google Front End (GFE) servers. This provides numerous benefits including TLS termination, DDoS protection, DNS, load balancing, firewall, and integration with IAP. It can present problems, however, if you have multiple App Engine services that communicate with each other internally. For example, imagine you have a frontend service which talks to a backend service.

App Engine does not provide a static IP address and instead relies on a large, dynamic pool of IP addresses. Two sequential outbound calls from the same application can appear to originate from two different IP addresses. One option is to allow all possible App Engine IPs, but this is riddled with issues. For one, Google uses netblocks that dynamically change and are encoded in Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records. To determine all of the IPs App Engine is currently using, you need to recursively perform DNS lookups by fetching the current set of netblocks and then doing a DNS lookup for each netblock. These results are not static, meaning you would need to do the lookups and update firewall rules continually. Worse yet, allowing all possible App Engine IPs would be self-defeating since it would be trivial for an attacker to work around by setting up their own App Engine application to gain access, assuming there isn’t any additional security beyond the firewall.

Another, slightly better option is to set up a proxy on Compute Engine in the same region as your App Engine application. With this, you get a static IP address. The downside here is that it’s an additional piece of infrastructure that must be managed, which isn’t great when you’re shooting for a serverless architecture.

Luckily, there is a better solution—one that fits our serverless model and enables us to control external traffic while allowing App Engine services to securely communicate internally. IAP supports context-aware access, which allows enforcing granular access controls for web applications, VMs, and GCP APIs based on an end-user’s identity and request context. Essentially, context-aware access brings a richer zero-trust model to App Engine and other GCP services.

To set up a network firewall in IAP, we first need to create an Access Level in the Access Context Manager. Access Levels are a way to add an extra level of security based on request attributes such as IP address, region, time of day, or device. In the client’s case, they can create an Access Level to only allow access from their corporate network.

GCP Access Context Manager

We can then add the Access Level to roles that are assigned to users or groups in IAP. This means even if users are authenticated, they must be on the corporate network to access the application.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy roles

To allow App Engine services to communicate freely, we simply need to assign the IAP-secured Web App User role without the Access Level to the App Engine default service account. Services will then authenticate as usual using OpenID Connect without the added network restriction. The default service account is managed by GCP and there are no associated credentials, so this provides a solid security posture.

Now, at this point, we’ve solved the IP firewall problem, but that’s not really in the spirit of zero-trust, right? Zero-trust is a security principle believing that organizations should not inherently trust anything inside or outside of their perimeters and instead should verify anything trying to connect to their systems. Having to connect to a VPN in order to access an application in the cloud is kind of a bummer, especially when the corporate VPN goes down. COVID-19 has made a lot of organizations feel this pain. Fortunately, Access Levels can be a lot smarter than providing simple lists of approved IP addresses. With the Cloud IAM Conditions Framework, we can even write custom rules to allow access based on URL path, resource type, or other request attributes.

At this point, I talked the client through the Endpoint Verification process and how we can shift away from a perimeter-based security model to a defense-in-depth, zero-trust model. Rather than requiring the end-user to be signed in from the corporate network, we can require them to be signed in from a trusted, corporate-owned device from anywhere. We can require that the device has a screen lock and is encrypted or has a minimum OS version.

With IAP and context-aware access, we can build layered security on top of applications and resources without the need for a VPN, while still centrally managing access. This can even extend beyond GCP to applications hosted on-prem or in other cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. Enterprises don’t have to move away from more traditional security models all at once. This pattern allows you to gradually shift by adding and removing Access Levels and attributes over time. Zero-trust becomes much easier to implement within large organizations when they don’t have to flip a switch.

Serverless on GCP

Like many other marketing buzzwords, the concept of “serverless” has taken on a life of its own, which can make it difficult to understand what serverless actually means. What it really means is that the cloud provider fully manages server infrastructure all the way up to the application layer. For example, GCE isn’t serverless because, while Google manages the physical server infrastructure, we still have to deal with patching operating systems, managing load balancers, configuring firewall rules, and so on. Serverless means we merely worry about our application code and business logic and nothing else. This concept extends beyond pure compute though, including things like databases, message queues, stream processing, machine learning, and other types of systems.

There are several benefits to the serverless model. First, it allows us to focus on building products, not managing infrastructure. These operations-related tasks, while important, are not generally things that differentiate a business. It’s just work that has to be done to support the rest of the business. With cloud—and serverless in particular—many of these tasks are becoming commoditized, freeing us up to focus on things that matter to the business.

Another benefit related to the first is that serverless systems provide automatic scaling and fault-tolerance across multiple data centers or, in some cases, even globally. When we leverage GCP’s serverless products, we also leverage Google’s operational expertise and the experience of an army of SREs. That’s a lot of leverage. Few companies are able to match the kind of investment cloud providers like Google or Amazon are able to make in infrastructure and operations, nor should they. If it’s not your core business, leverage economies of scale.

Finally, serverless allows us to pay only for what we use. This is quite a bit different from what traditional IT companies are used to where it’s more common to spend several millions of dollars on a large solution with a contract. It’s also different from what many cloud-based companies are used to where you typically provision some baseline capacity and pay for bursts of additional capacity as needed. With serverless, VMs are eschewed and we pay only for the resources we use to serve the traffic we have. This means no more worrying about over-provisioning or under-provisioning.

GCP’s Compute Options

GCP has a comprehensive set of compute options ranging from minimally managed VMs all the way to highly managed serverless backends. Below is the full spectrum of GCP’s compute services at the time of this writing. I’ll provide a brief overview of each of these services just to get the lay of the land. We’ll start from the highest level of abstraction and work our way down, and then we’ll hone in on the serverless solutions.

GCP compute platforms

Firebase is Google’s managed Backend as a Service (BaaS) platform. This is the highest level of abstraction that GCP offers (short of SaaS like G Suite) and allows you to build mobile and web applications quickly and with minimal server-side code. For example, it can implement things like user authentication and offline data syncing for you. This is often referred to as a “backend as a service” because there is no server code. The trade-off is you have less control over the system, but it can be a great fit for quickly prototyping applications or building a proof of concept with minimal investment. The primary advantage is that you can focus most of your development effort on client-side application code and user experience. Note that some components of Firebase can be used outside of the Firebase platform, such as Cloud Firestore and Firebase Authentication

Cloud Functions is a serverless Functions as a Service (FaaS) offering from GCP. You upload your function code and Cloud Functions handles the runtime of it. Because it’s a sandboxed environment, there are some restrictions to the runtime, but it’s a great choice for building event-driven services and connecting systems together. While you can develop basic user-facing APIs, the operational tooling is not sufficient for complex systems. The benefit is Cloud Functions are highly elastic and have minimal operational overhead since it is a serverless platform. They are an excellent choice for dynamic, event-driven plumbing such as moving data between services or reacting to log events. They work well for basic APIs, but can rapidly become operationally complex for more than a few endpoints.

App Engine is Google’s Platform as a Service (PaaS). Like Cloud Functions, it’s an opinionated but fully managed runtime that lets you upload your application code while handling the operational aspects such as autoscaling and fault-tolerance. App Engine has two modes: Standard, which is the opinionated PaaS runtime, and Flexible, which allows providing a custom runtime using a container—this is colloquially referred to as a Container as a Service (CaaS). For stateless applications with quick instance start-up times, it is often an excellent choice. It offers many of the benefits of Cloud Functions but simplifies operational aspects since larger components are easy to deploy and manage. App Engine allows developers to focus most of their effort on business logic. Standard is a great fit for greenfield applications where server-side processing and logic is required. Flex can be easier for migrating existing workloads because it is less opinionated.

Cloud Run is a new offering in GCP that provides a managed compute platform for stateless containers. Essentially, Google manages the underlying compute infrastructure and all you have to do is provide them an application container. Like App Engine, they handle scaling instances up and down, load balancing, and fault-tolerance. Cloud Run actually has two modes: the Google-managed version, which runs your containers on Google’s internal compute infrastructure known as Borg, and the GKE version, which allows running workloads on your own GKE cluster. This is because Cloud Run is built on an open source Kubernetes platform for serverless workloads called Knative.

Cloud Run and App Engine Flex are similar to each other, but there are some nuanced differences. One key difference is Cloud Run has very fast instance start-up time due to its reliance on the gVisor container runtime. Flex instances, on the other hand, usually take minutes to start because they involve provisioning GCE instances, load balancers, and other GCP-managed infrastructure. Flex is also more feature-rich than Cloud Run, supporting things like traffic splitting, deployment rollbacks, WebSocket connections, and VPC connections.

Kubernetes Engine, or GKE, is Google’s managed Kubernetes service. GKE effectively adds a container orchestration layer on top of GCE, putting it somewhere between IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and CaaS. This is typically the lowest level of abstraction most modern applications should require. There is still a lot of operational overhead involved with using a managed Kubernetes service.

Lastly, Compute Engine, or GCE, is Google’s VM offering. GCE VMs are usually run on multi-tenant hosts, but GCP also offers sole-tenant nodes where a physical Compute Engine server is dedicated to hosting a single customer’s VMs. This is the lowest level of infrastructure that GCP offers and the lowest common denominator generally available in the public clouds, usually referred to as IaaS. This means there are a lot of operational responsibilities that come with using it. There are generally few use cases that demand a bare VM.

Choosing a Serverless Option

Now that we have an overview of GCP’s compute services, we can focus in on the serverless options.

GCP serverless compute platforms

GCP currently has four serverless compute options (emphasis on computebecause there are other serverless offerings for things like databases, queues, and so forth, but these are out of scope for this discussion).

  • Cloud Run: serverless containers (CaaS)
  • App Engine: serverless platforms (PaaS)
  • Cloud Functions: serverless functions (FaaS)
  • Firebase: serverless applications (BaaS)

With four different serverless options to choose from, how do we decide which one is right? The first thing to point out is that we don’t necessarily need to choose a single solution. We might end up using a combination of these services when building a system. However, I’ve provided some criteria below on selecting solutions for different types of problems.


If you’re looking to quickly prototype an application or focus only on writing code, Firebase can be a good fit. This is especially true if you’re wanting to focus most of your investment and time on the client-side application code and user experience. Likewise, if you want to build a mobile-ready application and don’t want to implement things like user authentication, it’s a good option. 

Firebase is obviously the most restrictive and opinionated solution, but it’s great for rapid prototyping and accelerating development of an MVP. You can also complement it with services like App Engine or Cloud Functions for situations that require server-side compute.

Good Fit Characteristics

  • Mobile-first (or ready) applications
  • Rapidly prototyping applications
  • Applications where most of the logic is (or can be) client-side
  • Using Firebase components on other platforms, such as using Cloud Firestore or Firebase Authentication on App Engine, to minimize investment in non-differentiating work

Bad Fit Characteristics

  • Applications requiring complex server-side logic or architectures
  • Applications which require control over the runtime

Cloud Functions

If you’re looking to react to real-time events, glue systems together, or build a simple API, Cloud Functions are a good choice provided you’re able to use one of the supported runtimes (Node.js, Python, and Go). If the runtime is a limitation, check out Cloud Run.

Good Fit Characteristics

  • Event-driven applications and systems
  • “Glueing” systems together
  • Deploying simple APIs

Bad Fit Characteristics

  • Highly stateful systems
  • Deploying large, complex APIs
  • Systems that require a high level of control or need custom runtimes or binaries

App Engine

If you’re looking to deploy a full application or complex API, App Engine is worth looking at. Standard is good for greenfield applications which are able to fit within the constraints of the runtime. It can scale to zero and deploys take seconds. Flexible is easier for existing applications where you’re unwilling or unable to make changes fitting them into Standard. Deploys to Flex can take minutes, and you must have a minimum of one instance running at all times.

Good Fit Characteristics

  • Stateless applications
  • Rapidly developing CRUD-heavy applications
  • Applications composed of a few services
  • Deploying complex APIs

Bad Fit Characteristics

  • Stateful applications that require lots of in-memory state to meet performance or functional requirements
  • Applications built with large or opinionated frameworks or applications that have slow start-up times (this can be okay with Flex)
  • Systems that require protocols other than HTTP

Cloud Run

If you’re looking to react to real-time events but need custom runtimes or binaries not supported by Cloud Functions, Cloud Run is a good choice. It’s also a good option for building stateless HTTP-based web services. It’s trimmed down compared to App Engine Flex, which means it has fewer features, but it also has faster instance start-up times, can scale to zero, and is billed only by actual request-processing time rather than instance time. 

Good Fit Characteristics

  • Stateless services that are easily containerized
  • Event-driven applications and systems
  • Applications that require custom system and language dependencies

Bad Fit Characteristics

  • Highly stateful systems or systems that require protocols other than HTTP
  • Compliance requirements that demand strict controls over the low-level environment and infrastructure (might be okay with the Knative GKE mode)

Finally, Google also provides a decision tree for choosing a serverless compute platform.

* App Engine standard environment supports Node.js, Python, Java, Go, PHP
* Cloud Function supports Node.js, Python, Go


Going serverless can provide a lot of efficiencies by freeing up resources and investment to focus on things that are more strategic and differentiating for a business rather than commodity infrastructure. There are trade-offs when using managed services and serverless solutions. We lose some control and visibility. At certain usage levels there can be a premium, so eventually renting VMs might be the more cost-effective solution once you crack that barrier. However, it’s important to consider not just operational costs involved in managing infrastructure, but also opportunity costs. These trade-offs have to be weighed carefully against the benefits they bring to the business.

One thing worth pointing out is that it’s often easier to move down a level of abstraction than up. That is, there’s typically less friction involved in moving from a more opinionated platform to a less opinionated one than vice versa. This is why we usually suggest starting with the highest level of abstraction possible and dropping down if and when needed.