Authenticating Stackdriver Uptime Checks for Identity-Aware Proxy

Google Stackdriver provides a set of tools for monitoring and managing services running in GCP, AWS, or on-prem infrastructure. One feature Stackdriver has is “uptime checks,” which enable you to verify the availability of your service and track response latencies over time from up to six different geographic locations around the world. While Stackdriver uptime checks are not as feature-rich as other similar products such as Pingdom, they are also completely free. For GCP users, this provides a great starting point for quickly setting up health checks and alerting for your applications.

Last week I looked at implementing authentication and authorization for APIs in GCP using Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). IAP provides an easy way to implement identity and access management (IAM) for applications and APIs in a centralized place. However, one thing you will bump into when using Stackdriver uptime checks in combination with IAP is authentication. For App Engine in particular, this can be a problem since there is no way to bypass IAP. All traffic, both internal and external to GCP, goes through it. Until Cloud IAM Conditions is released and generally available, there’s no way to—for example—open up a health-check endpoint with IAP.

While uptime checks have support for Basic HTTP authentication, there is no way to script more sophisticated request flows (e.g. to implement the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication flow for IAP-protected resources) or implement fine-grained IAM policies (as hinted at above, this is coming with IAP Context-Aware Access and IAM Conditions). So are we relegated to using Nagios or some other more complicated monitoring tool? Not necessarily. In this post, I’ll present a workaround solution for authenticating Stackdriver uptime checks for systems protected by IAP using Google Cloud Functions.

The Solution

The general strategy is to use a Cloud Function which can authenticate with IAP using a service account to proxy uptime checks to the application. Essentially, the proxy takes a request from a client, looks for a header containing a host, forwards the request that host after performing the necessary authentication, and then forwards the response back to the client. The general architecture of this is shown below.

There are some trade-offs with this approach. The benefit is we get to rely on health checks that are fully managed by GCP and free of charge. Since Cloud Functions are also managed by GCP, there’s no operations involved beyond deploying the proxy and setting it up. The first two million invocations per month are free for Cloud Functions. If we have an uptime check running every five minutes from six different locations, that’s approximately 52,560 invocations per month. This means we could run roughly 38 different uptime checks without exceeding the free tier for invocations. In addition to invocations, the free tier offers 400,000 GB-seconds, 200,000 GHz-seconds of compute time and 5GB of Internet egress traffic per month. Using the GCP pricing calculator, we can estimate the cost for our uptime check. It generally won’t come close to exceeding the free tier.

The downside to this approach is the check is no longer validating availability from the perspective of an end user. Because the actual service request is originating from Google’s infrastructure by way of a Cloud Function as opposed to Stackdriver itself, it’s not quite the same as a true end-to-end check. That said, both Cloud Functions and App Engine rely on the same Google Front End (GFE) infrastructure, so as long as both the proxy and App Engine application are located in the same region, this is probably not all that important. Besides, for App Engine at least, the value of the uptime check is really more around performing a full-stack probe of the application and its dependencies than monitoring the health of Google’s own infrastructure. That is one of the goals behind using managed services after all. The bigger downside is that the latency reported by the uptime check no longer accurately represents the application. It can still be useful for monitoring aggregate trends nonetheless.

The Implementation Setup

I’ve built an open-source implementation of the proxy as a Cloud Function in Python called gcp-oidc-proxy. It’s runnable out of the box without any modification. We’ll assume you have an IAP-protected application you want to setup a Stackdriver uptime check for. To deploy the proxy Cloud Function, first clone the repository to your machine, then from there run the following gcloud command:

$ gcloud functions deploy gcp-oidc-proxy \
   --runtime python37 \
   --entry-point handle_request \

This will deploy a new Cloud Function called gcp-oidc-proxy to your configured cloud project. It will assume the project’s default service account. Ordinarily, I would suggest creating a separate service account to limit scopes. This can be configured on the Cloud Function with the –service-account flag, which is under gcloud beta functions deploy at the time of this writing. We’ll omit this step for brevity however.

Next, we need to add the “Service Account Actor” IAM role to the Cloud Function’s service account since it will need it to sign JWTs (more on this later). In the GCP console, go to IAM & admin, locate the appropriate service account (in this case, the default service account), and add the respective role.

The Cloud Function’s service account must also be added as a member to the IAP with the “IAP-secured Web App User” role in order to properly authenticate. Navigate to Identity-Aware Proxy in the GCP console, select the resource you wish to add the service account to, then click Add Member.

Find the OAuth2 client ID for the IAP by clicking on the options menu next to the IAP resource and select “Edit OAuth client.” Copy the client ID on the next page and then navigate to the newly deployed gcp-oidc-proxy Cloud Function. We need to configure a few environment variables, so click edit and then expand more at the bottom of the page. We’ll add four environment variables: CLIENT_ID, WHITELIST, AUTH_USERNAME, and AUTH_PASSWORD.

CLIENT_ID contains the OAuth2 client ID we copied for the IAP. WHITELIST contains a comma-separated list of URL paths to make accessible or * for everything (I’m using /ping in my example application), and AUTH_USERNAME and AUTH_PASSWORD setup Basic authentication for the Cloud Function. If these are omitted, authentication is disabled.

Save the changes to redeploy the function with the new environment variables. Next, we’ll setup a Stackdriver uptime check that uses the proxy to call our service. In the GCP console, navigate to Monitoring then Create Check from the Stackdriver UI. Skip any suggestions for creating a new uptime check. For the hostname, use the Cloud Function host. For the path, use /gcp-oidc/proxy/<your-endpoint>. The proxy will use the path to make a request to the protected resource.

Expand Advanced Options to set the Forward-Host to the host protected by IAP. The proxy uses this header to forward requests. Lastly, we’ll set the authentication username and password that we configured on the Cloud Function.

Click “Test” to ensure our configuration works and the check passes.

The Implementation Details

The remainder of this post will walk you through the implementation details of the proxy. The implementation closely resembles what we did to authenticate API consumers using a service account. We use a header called Forward-Host to allow the client to specify the IAP-authenticated host to forward requests to. If the header is not present, we just return a 400 error. We then use this host and the path of the original request to construct the proxy request and retain the HTTP method and headers (with the exception of the Host header, if present, since this can cause problems).

Before sending the request, we perform the authentication process by generating a JWT signed by the service account and exchange it for a Google-signed OIDC token.

We can cache this token and renew it only once it expires. Then we set the Authorization header with the OIDC token and send the request.

We simply forward on the resulting content body, status code, and headers. We strip HTTP/1.1 “hop-by-hop” headers since these are unsupported by WSGI and Python Cloud Functions rely on Flask. We also strip any Content-Encoding header since this can also cause problems.

Because this proxy allows clients to call into endpoints unauthenticated, we also implement a whitelist to expose only certain endpoints. The whitelist is a list of allowed paths passed in from an environment variable. Alternatively, we can whitelist * to allow all paths. Wildcarding could be implemented to make this even more flexible. We also implement a Basic auth decorator which is configured with environment variables since we can setup uptime checks with a username and password in Stackdriver.

The only other code worth looking at in detail is how we setup the service account credentials and IAM Signer. A Cloud Function has a service account attached to it which allows it to assume the roles of that account. Cloud Functions rely on the Google Compute Engine metadata server which stores service account information among other things. However, the metadata server doesn’t expose the service account key used to sign the JWT, so instead we must use the IAM signBlob API to sign JWTs.


It’s not a particularly simple solution, but it gets the job done. The setup of the Cloud Function could definitely be scripted as well. Once IAM Conditions is generally available, it should be possible to expose certain endpoints in a way that is accessible to Stackdriver without the need for the OIDC proxy. That said, it’s not clear if there is a way to implement uptime checks without exposing an endpoint at all since there is currently no way to assign a service account to a check. Ideally, we would be able to assign a service account and use that with IAP Context-Aware Access to allow the uptime check to access protected endpoints.

API Authentication with GCP Identity-Aware Proxy

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP) is a free service which can be used to implement authentication and authorization for applications running in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This includes Google App Engine applications as well as workloads running on Compute Engine (GCE) VMs and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) by way of Google Cloud Load Balancers.

When enabled, IAP requires users accessing a web application to login using their Google account and ensure they have the appropriate role to access the resource. This can be used to provide secure access to web applications without the need for a VPN. This is part of what Google now calls BeyondCorp, which is an enterprise security model designed to enable employees to work from untrusted networks without a VPN. At Real Kinetic, we frequently bump into companies practicing Death-Star security, which is basically relying on a hard outer shell to protect a soft, gooey interior. It’s simple and easy to administer, but it’s also vulnerable. That’s why we always approach security from a perspective of defense in depth.

However, in this post I want to explore how we can use Cloud IAP to implement authentication and authorization for APIs in GCP. Specifically, I will use App Engine, but the same applies to resources behind an HTTPS load balancer. The goal is to provide a way to securely expose APIs in GCP which can be accessed programmatically.

Configuring Identity-Aware Proxy

Cloud IAP supports authenticating service accounts using OpenID Connect (OIDC). A service account belongs to an application instead of an individual user. You authenticate a service account when you want to allow an application to access your IAP-secured resources. A GCP service account can either have GCP-managed keys (for systems that reside within GCP) or user-managed keys (for systems that reside outside of GCP). GCP-managed keys cannot be downloaded and are automatically rotated and used for signing for a maximum of two weeks. User-managed keys are created, downloaded, and managed by users and expire 10 years from creation. As such, key rotation must be managed by the user as appropriate. In either case, access using a service account can be revoked either by revoking a particular key or removing the service account itself.

An IAP is associated with an App Engine application or HTTPS Load Balancer. One or more service accounts can then be added to an IAP to allow programmatic authentication. When the IAP is off, the resource is accessible to anyone with the URL. When it’s on, it’s only accessible to members who have been granted access. This can include specific Google accounts, groups, service accounts, or a general G Suite domain.

IAP will create an OAuth2 client ID for OIDC authentication which can be used by service accounts. But in order to access our API using a service account, we first need to add it to IAP with the appropriate role. We’ll add it as an IAP-secured Web App User, which allows access to HTTPS resources protected by IAP. In this case, my service account is called “IAP Auth Test,” and the email associated with it is

As you can see, both the service account and my user account are IAP-secured Web App Users. This means I can access the application using my Google login or using the service account credentials. Next, we’ll look at how to properly authenticate using the service account.

Authenticating API Consumers

When you create a service account key in the GCP console, it downloads a JSON credentials file to your machine. The API consumer needs the service account credentials to authenticate. The diagram below illustrates the general architecture of how IAP authenticates API calls to App Engine services using service accounts.

In order to make a request to the IAP-authenticated resource, the consumer generates a JWT signed using the service account credentials. The JWT contains an additional target_audience claim containing the OAuth2 client ID from the IAP. To find the client ID, click on the options menu next to the IAP resource and select “Edit OAuth client.” The client ID will be listed on the resulting page. My code to generate this JWT looks like the following:

This assumes you have access to the service account’s private key. If you don’t have access to the private key, e.g. because you’re running on GCE or Cloud Functions and using a service account from the metadata server, you’ll have to use the IAM signBlob API. We’ll cover this in a follow-up post.

This JWT is then exchanged for a Google-signed OIDC token for the client ID specified in the JWT claims. This token has a one-hour expiration and must be renewed by the consumer as needed. To retrieve a Google-signed token, we make a POST request containing the JWT and grant type to

This returns a Google-signed JWT which is good for about an hour. The “exp” claim can be used to check the expiration of the token. Authenticated requests are then made by setting the bearer token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Below is a sequence diagram showing the process of making an OIDC-authenticated request to an IAP-protected resource.

Because this is quite a bit of code and complexity, I’ve implemented the process flow in Java as a Spring RestTemplate interceptor. This transparently authenticates API calls, caches the OIDC token, and handles automatically renewing it. Google has also provided examples of authenticating from a service account for other languages.

With IAP, we’re able to authenticate and authorize requests at the edge before they even reach our application. And with Cloud Audit Logging, we can monitor who is accessing protected resources. Be aware, however, that if you’re using GCE or GKE, users who can access the application-serving port of the VM can bypass IAP authentication. GCE and GKE firewall rules can’t protect against access from processes running on the same VM as the IAP-secured application. They can protect against access from another VM, but only if properly configured. This does not apply for App Engine since all traffic goes through the IAP infrastructure.

Alternative Solutions

There are some alternatives to IAP for implementing authentication and authorization for APIs. Apigee is one option, which Google acquired not too long ago. This is a more robust API-management solution which will do a lot more than just secure APIs, but it’s also more expensive. Another option is Google Cloud Endpoints, which is an NGINX-based proxy that provides mechanisms to secure and monitor APIs. This is free up to two million API calls per month.

Lastly, you can also simply implement authentication and authorization directly in your application instead of with an API proxy, e.g. using OAuth2. This has downsides in that it can introduce complexity and room for mistakes, but it gives you full control over your application’s security. Following our model of defense in depth, we often encourage clients to implement authentication both at the edge (e.g. by ensuring requests have a valid token) and in the application (e.g. by validating the token on a request). This way, we avoid implementing a Death-Star security model.

Operations in the World of Developer Enablement

NewOps is not a replacement for DevOps, it’s an evolution of it by looking at Operations through the lens of product. It’s what I’ve come to call “Developer Enablement” because the goal is to shift the focus of Ops teams from being masters of production to enablers of production. Through Developer Enablement, teams are enabled—and tasked with the responsibility—to control their own destiny. This extends far beyond just the responsibility of building products. It includes how we build, test, secure, deploy, monitor, and operate systems.

For some, this might come naturally. Many startups don’t have the privilege of siloing up their organizations (although you’d be surprised!). For others, this can be a major shift in how we build software. Especially in large, established organizations with more specialized roles, responsibilities can be so siloed people aren’t even aware they’re happening. Basic “ilities” like scalability, reliability, and even security become someone else’s responsibility. “Good Operations” means no one even knows you’re there, unless something goes wrong.

So when this is turned on its ear, and these responsibilities are placed on the dev team’s shoulders, how do they adapt? In many cases, teams are eager to take on these new responsibilities but also blissfully unaware of what that actually entails. DBAs are a good example of this. Often a staple of enterprise IT Ops, DBAs are tasked with—among other things—installing and patching DBMSs, performing backups, managing HA and DR strategies, balancing database workloads, managing resources, tuning performance, configuring security settings, and monitoring systems. Many of these responsibilities are invisible to developers.

With cloud and Developer Enablement, this can change in profound ways. However, in a typical lift-and-shift, the role of DBAs is widely unchanged. In this case, we’re just running the same stuff in someone else’s data center. There are still databases to be patched, replication to be managed, backups to be made, and so on. But pure lift-and-shifts, at least as an end goal, are largely a misstep. You throw away all that institutional memory—the knowledge and experience you have managing your own data center—for more expensive compute with which you have less experience administering. Things change when we start to rely on managed cloud services. We no longer run our own databases on VMs but instead rely on cloud-managed ones. This is where things become much more grey—but also much more interesting.

Developer Enablement in the Cloud

First, a quick aside. There are two different concepts we’re talking about here: cloud and Developer Enablement (DevOps for brevity). These are two distinct but related concepts. We can “do” DevOps on-prem, just as we can in the cloud. Likewise, we can also do traditional Operations in the cloud, just as we can on-prem. One of the benefits of cloud is it allows us to focus more investment on business-differentiating things, but it also makes implementing DevOps easier for two reasons. First, the cloud provider takes on more operational responsibilities (the stuff that supports—but doesn’t directly contribute to—business value). Second, it provides a lower barrier to self-service infrastructure. This means developers can, of their own accord, provision and manage supporting infrastructure like databases, caches, queues, and other things without a go-between or the customary “throw-it-over-the-wall” approach. This is a key part of Developer Enablement.

In the world of Developer Enablement in the cloud, what is the role of a DBA, or any other Ops person for that matter? When you start to map who is accountable for what, you quickly realize there is far too much nuance to cleanly map responsibilities. Which cloud provider are we talking about? Within that cloud provider, which database offering? Proprietary NoSQL databases like Google’s Cloud Datastore? Relational databases like Amazon’s RDS? Globally-distributed databases like Spanner? How we handle things like HA and DR vary drastically depending on the service and service provider. In some cases, the vendor is entirely responsible, e.g. because the database has built-in replication. In other cases, the customer. Sometimes it’s a combination of both, such as a database that has automated backups which must first be enabled. It’s not as cut and dry as it used to be.

As we push more responsibility onto developers, how do we ensure they are actually tackling all of those responsibilities, especially the ones they might not even know about? How do we implement DevOps responsibly?

The goal of Developer Enablement is not to enable developers by giving them total control and free rein. Instead, it’s to empower them in a way that is “safe” for the business. People often misconstrue DevOps and automation as things that reduce lead times and increase deployment frequencies by simply pulling security out of the process. This is categorically not the purpose of DevOps. In fact, the intention is to improve security by integrating it more deeply and earlier into the process in a more reliable and repeatable way, i.e. “shift left.” Developer Enablement is about providing the tools, automation, services, and standards teams need to do just this.

So when we say we want to implement DevOps and Developer Enablement, we’re not saying we want to hand developers the keys to production with a pat on the back. We’re saying we want to pave a path to production which allows developers to release software in a way that is safe and secure with greater autonomy—because autonomy enables building more reliable software faster. In this world, Operations teams become increasingly Developer Enablement teams because there is simply less stuff to operate. It becomes more about supporting development teams and organizing around products than acting purely as a gatekeeper or service provider. It’s pretty amazing how things start to improve when you align yourself this way.

Responsibilities of Developer Enablement

Those Operations teams still have extremely valuable skill sets however. It’s just that they start to act more in an advisory role than the assembly-line-worker role converting Jira tickets into outputs. For instance, DBAs have deep expertise on the intricacies and operations of various database systems, but when Amazon is now responsible for installing the database, patching it, scaling it, monitoring it, performing backups, managing replication and failovers, and handling encryption and security, what do the DBAs do? They become domain experts and developer advocates. They make sure teams aren’t shooting themselves—or the company—in the foot and provide domain expertise and tooling in a supporting role. When a developer complains about a slow query, they are the ones who can help them identify, understand, and fix the problem. “It’s doing a full-table scan since you’re missing an index,” or “You have a hot partition because you’re using a timestamp as the partition key. Try using a more uniform ID to distribute workloads evenly.” These folks can often help developers better structure their data to improve application performance and scalability.

In addition to this supporting role, these Developer Enablement teams also help ensure dev teams are thinking about all the things they need to be considering. In the case of data, how is encryption handled? HA? DR? Data migrations? Rollbacks? Not that all of these things need to be handled by the teams themselves—again, often the cloud provider has it covered—but simply ensuring that they have been considered and can be spoken to is important. It’s vital to start this conversation early in the development process.

The Three Phases of Development

There are basically three phases of development to consider. There’s the “playground” phase, which is when teams are essentially exploring different technologies. At this stage, there can be little-to-no oversight outside of controlling cloud spend (which is important for when your intern accidentally starts a task bomb before leaving for the weekend). Teams are free to try out new ideas without worrying about production. Often this work happens in a separate “experimentation” cloud project.

Next, there’s the “green-light” phase. The thing being built is going to production, it’s part of the company’s strategic plan, people are talking about it, etc. At this point, we start an ongoing dialogue with the team and provide them with a list of the key things to be thinking about. This should not be a 10-page document. It should be a one-page document hitting the main areas. An example portion of this might look like the following:

  • How do you plan to implement HA?
  • What classifications of data will this system handle and how do you plan to secure that data in transit and at rest?
  • How much traffic do you expect the system to handle and how will you scale it?
  • How will the system handle authentication and authorization?
  • What are the integration points?
  • Who will support the system in production?
  • What is the CI/CD story for the system?
  • What is the testing strategy?

Depending on your company’s culture, this can sometimes be seen as an affront or threat to teams if they’re used to Ops or InfoSec groups gatekeeping. That is not the goal as it’s intended to be in an advisory capacity. This ends up having a couple benefits. First, it gets teams thinking about and planning for key operational items, and second, it uncovers any major gaps early in the process. The number of times I’ve heard someone ask, “What’s HA?” after reading this list is non-zero. The purpose of this isn’t to shame anyone, just to provide a way to start critical discussions between the team and Developer Enablement groups.

Finally, there’s the “ready-for-production” phase. The team is ready to ship what they’ve been building. This is where things get real. Typically, there are a few things that should happen here. When launching a new service or product, there should be a comprehensive review of the system. The team will sit down with a group of their peers, architects, and security engineers and walk them through the system. People hate the dreaded architecture review, so we call it a product technical walkthrough instead.

Operational Readiness and Change Management

About a month or so prior to the walkthrough, the team should be working through an “operational-readiness checklist” which is used to guide the walkthrough. This checklist is much more detailed than the previous one, enumerating items like what the deploy process consists of, configuration management, API versioning, incident-response procedures, system observability, etc. The checklist we commonly use with clients at Real Kinetic is about seven pages long and covers 10 areas: Deployment, Testing, Reliability/Failover, Architecture, Costs, Security, CI/CD, Infrastructure, Capacity/Performance Estimates, and Operations and Support. This checklist is used to probe different areas. If certain areas feel a little weak, this can lead to deeper discussions depending on the importance or severity. If a system is particularly critical to the business or high-risk, this process can veto a release. Having a sign-off process like this makes some people nervous, but it’s important to point out that this should only apply to new launches. It is not a general change-management process. It’s really about helping teams learn about running systems in production and understanding what that takes.

In addition to the product technical walkthrough, we also recommend doing a security assessment for new services. This usually encompasses a vulnerability and threat assessment, risk assessment, pen testing, the whole nine yards. I usually also like to see some sort of load profiling done on the service before putting it in production (though load and chaos testing should ideally be part of the normal development process, not saved for the very end).

When it comes to infrastructure, there’s also the question of how to manage changes. This is where infrastructure as code (IaC) becomes hugely important as it not only provides a way to automate infrastructure changes, but also a means to review those changes. We can treat infrastructure changes in the same way we treat application changes—storing them in source control, doing code reviews on them, running them through static analysis tools, and so forth. Infrastructure changes, like all changes, should go through a code review process. It cannot be overstated how essential code reviews are and how much they benefit your organization. And once again, this is where Developer Enablement comes into play. I recommend IaC changes be reviewed by a Developer Enablement team member. This provides a touchpoint where they can provide domain expertise and ensure changes are within acceptable parameters. If a developer is requesting a change which falls outside those parameters, such as a database instance with 1TB of RAM for example, it requires a conversation and sign-off process.


With Developer Enablement, what used to be Operations becomes primarily a product and advisory team. “Product” in the sense of providing systems and tools that help developers take on more responsibility, from day-to-day development to operations and support. “Advisory” in the sense of offering domain expertise and guidance. Through this approach, we get better alignment by giving engineers end-to-end ownership from development to on-call and improve efficiency by reducing handoffs. This also lets us scale more effectively. Through products and reduced hand-offs, a Developer Enablement group can empower far more engineers than any conventional Ops team could.

How to Level up Dev Teams

One question that clients frequently ask: how do you effectively level up development teams? How do you take a group of engineers who have never written Python and make them effective Python developers? How do you take a group who has never built distributed systems and have them build reliable, fault-tolerant microservices? What about a team who has never built anything in the cloud that is now tasked with building cloud software?

Some say training will level up teams. Bring in a firm who can teach us how to write effective Python or how to build cloud software. Run developers through a bootcamp; throw raw, undeveloped talent in one end and out pops prepared and productive engineers on the other.

My question to those who advocate this is: when do you know you’re ready? Once you’ve completed a training course? Is the two-day training enough or should we opt for the three-day one? The six-month pair-coding boot camp? You might be more ready than you were before, but you also spent piles of cash on training programs, not to mention the opportunity cost of having a team of expensive engineers sit in multi-day or multi-week workshops. Are the trade-offs worth it? Perhaps, but it’s hard to say. And what happens when the next new thing comes along? We have to start the whole process over again.

Others say tools will help level up teams. A CI/CD pipeline will make developers more effective and able to ship higher quality software faster. Machine learning products will make our on-call experience more manageable. Serverless will make engineers more productive. Automation will improve our company’s slow and bureaucratic processes.

This one’s simple: tools are often band-aids for broken or inefficient policies, and policies are organizational scar tissue. Tools can be useful, but they will not fix your broken culture and they certainly will not level up your teams, only supplement them at best.

Yet others say developer practices will level up teams. Teams doing pair programming or test-driven development (TDD) will level up faster and be more effective—or scrum, or agile, or mob programming. Teams not following these practices just aren’t ready, and it will take them longer to become ready.

These things can help, but they don’t actually matter that much. If this sounds like blasphemy to you, you might want to stop and reflect on that dogma for a bit. I have seen teams that use scrum, pair programming, and TDD write terrible software. I have seen teams that don’t write unit tests write amazing software. I have seen teams implement DevOps on-prem, and I have seen teams completely silo ops and dev in the cloud. These are tools in the toolbox that teams can choose to leverage, but they will not magically make a team ready or more effective. The one exception to this is code reviews by non-authors.

Code reviews are the one practice that helps improve software quality, and there is empirical data to support this. Pair programming can be a great way to mentor junior engineers and ensure someone else understands the code, but it’s not a replacement for code reviews. It’s just as easy to come up with a bad idea working by yourself as it is working with another person, but when you bring in someone uninvolved with outside perspective, they’re more likely to realize it’s a bad idea.

Code reviews are an effective way to quickly level up teams provided you have a few pockets of knowledgeable reviewers to bootstrap the process (which, as a corollary, means high-performing teams should occasionally be broken up to seed the rest of the organization). They provide quick feedback to developers who will eventually internalize it and then instill it in their own code reviews. Thus, it quickly spreads expertise. Leveling up becomes contagious.

I experienced this firsthand when I started working at Workiva. Having never written a single line of Python and having never used Google App Engine before, I joined a company whose product was predominantly written in Python and running on Google App Engine. Within the span of a few months, I became a fairly proficient Python developer and quite knowledgeable of App Engine and distributed systems practices. I didn’t do any training. I didn’t read any books. I rarely pair-coded. It was through code reviews (and, in particular, group code reviews!) alone that I leveled up. And it’s why we were ruthless on code reviews, which often caught new hires off guard. Using this approach, Workiva effectively took a team of engineers with virtually no Python or cloud experience, shipped a cloud-based SaaS product written in Python, and then IPO’d in the span of a few years.

Code reviews promote a culture which separates ego from code. People are naturally threatened by criticism, but with a culture of code reviews, we critique code, not people. Code reviews are also a good way to share context within a team. When other people review your code, they get an idea of what you’re up to and where you’re at. Code reviews provide a pulse to your team, and that can help when a teammate needs to context switch to something you were working on.

They are also a powerful way to scale other functions of product development. For example, one area many companies struggle with is security. InfoSec teams are frequently a bottleneck for R&D organizations and often resource-constrained. By developing a security-reviewer program, we can better scale how we approach security and compliance. Require security-sensitive changes to undergo a security review. In order to become a security reviewer, engineers must go through a security training program which must be renewed annually. Google takes this idea even further, having certifications for different areas like “JS readability.”

This is why our consulting at Real Kinetic emphasizes mentorship and building a culture of continuous improvement. It’s also why we bring a bias to action. We talk to companies who want to start adopting new practices and technologies but feel their teams aren’t prepared enough. Here’s the reality: you will never feel fully prepared because you can never be fully prepared. As John Gall points out, the best an army can do is be fully prepared to fight the previous war. This is where being agile does matter, but agile only in the sense of reacting and pivoting quickly.

Nothing is a replacement for experience. You don’t become a professional athlete by watching professional sports on TV. You don’t build reliable cloud software by reading about it in books or going to trainings. To be clear, these things can help, but they aren’t strategies. Similarly, developer practices can help, but they aren’t prerequisites. And more often than not, they become emotional or philosophical debates rather than objective discussions. Teams need to be given the latitude to experiment and make mistakes in order to develop that experience. They need to start doing.

The one exception is code reviews. This is the single most effective way to level up development teams. Through rigorous code reviews, quick iterations, and doing, your teams will level up faster than any training curriculum could achieve. Invest in training or other resources if you think they will help, but mandate code reviews on changes before merging into master. Along with regular retros, this is a foundational component to building a culture of continuous improvement. Expertise will start to spread like wildfire within your organization.